Sidharth Jain: An Inspiration for Emerging Tech Entrepreneurs
The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders to Follow in 2021

“Success for me is happy employees and happy clients. I am a firm believer that Money and fame is a by-product of good product/services,” says Sidharth Jain. He is the CEO and Founder of GraffersID, an award-winning Websites and Mobile Applications Development company that focuses on improving start-ups’ success rates with innovative product ideas and market fit solutions.
Sidharth Started GraffersID with a mission to curb the tech space with high-quality products and seamless client experiences. Through his entrepreneurial journey, he has been recognized as “Most Influential Youth Marketing Leaders”, “Best Influential Leader”, and the company has received awards like “Best User Experience design”, and “Top Company for web design and development” by Clutch.
From Tech
Enthusiastic to a Successful Entrepreneur
Since his college days, Sidharth has been coding and working
with multiple startups over small projects. It always excited him to hear new
ideas and brainstorm new challenges.
After finishing college, he started a job with one of the biggest IT Companies at that time. According to him, the office and work were amazing, the technologies used were pretty old, and people were working on the same products for 5-10 years. He says, “It seems pretty repetitive. It may be good for some, but I needed something to give me an adrenaline rush.”
He quit his job after completing 2 years. He started to focus more on tech and work with startups. He recalls, “Most of my start-up clients had shut down, and others were struggling to stay afloat. I realized there is a huge gap in the IT domain.”
Almost all start-ups now have a website or a mobile app. However, the companies are only focused on making money rather than giving genuine feedback. He asserts, “With enough saving to fund 4 months of my coworking seat, I started writing blogs and spreading my knowledge on social platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, and Medium. People showed me a lot of love on Quora and LinkedIn, and I quickly became a top writer in the Startup category. I got like 10 inquiries per month for development work.”
By the end of the first year, there was a team of 4 members by the second year, it increased to 20+ by the 3rd year 50+, and today GraffersID is a team of 100+.
Passing Challenges
with Innovation
“If there were no challenges, there would be no startups. A Startup is known for breaking standards, and we have broken many,” says Sidharth.
He recalls the time when there was no finance, so the team worked at Co-Working Space. Sidharth used his social media followers to negotiate the rates, got a 40% discount to post, and tag the co-working in his posts. According to Sidharth, there were many challenges that required instant solutions, such as hiring developers, winning client trust, and writing good blogs. Sidharth took all the challenges as an opportunity to grow. He opines, “This way challenges kept coming, and we kept innovating.”
One Stop Digital
Service Platform
GraffersID is an award-winning Website and Mobile App Development Company. The teams are specialized in working with start-ups. Today, the company’s portfolio has start-ups like YCombinator, Sequoia Capital, Tiger Global, Harvards Incubation, and other reputed VCs. It is working with 20+ Unicorns globally. The company is known for creating marketing-fit customer-centric Websites and Mobile Apps.
- The Process
Step 1: Requirement Gathering where the teams collaborate with clients on a call and document their requirements properly. “We try to analyze the requirement for loopholes while coming up with possible solutions.”
Step 2: UI/UX: Once the requirement has no more loopholes the teams start with the prototyping which is basically graphic designs of the Website and Mobile app laid out in a clickable format which gives the client a hands-on feel of how the finished product would work.
Step 3: Development: After testing the prototype with real customers the process of final changes and the development of the final product begin. “We test the final product once again before launching it to the end customers.”
Step 4: Maintenance and SEO: After the launch, the work of maintenance and SEO services start that help clients to attract initial customers.
Degree does not
Define Talent
Apart from raising the coding standards, the team at GraffersID is also trying to make a mentality shift by hiring people purely based on their skill set rather than their educational qualification. Recently the company has hired an applicant based on his skill and technical proficiency. The applicant is only a 12th pass out. But, the HR manager decided to give it a chance and experiment. After two rounds of interviews and technical tests that person was selected on an immediate basis.
Sidharth says, “He had amazing skills to play with the technology. His score was more than some of the very experienced guys. We selected him, and now he is dealing with clients directly. After that day, we made it a norm to be open to hiring School Dropouts, College dropouts, and even people without degrees. That’s one example where GraffersID is bringing change in the Industry.”
Working as a Part of the Team
Every member at GraffersID has a responsibility to drive the company ahead. Sidharth himself considers himself as a part of the system that is driving a mission not a CEO of GraffersID. He says, “While coming to the office, I daily visit a Nursery and bring a flower to our office. Surprising one team member with that flower every day spreads smiles everywhere.”
Every day, Sidharth calls someone to talk about their learning in a whole week. He considers upskilling is crucial to the growth of any company. The company also has regular sessions with Technology experts, Entrepreneurs, and Motivational Speakers so the team knows more and learns better.
Sharing Happiness and Goals
For Sidharth, having a clear vision in work and mind brings simplicity while maintaining balance. At GraffersID, the team gives ample time to ensure that everyone is good in their personal life along with making it a part of their professional life also. He shares, “Last week itself, our junior developer who is still in the first year of the college shared his goal of becoming a Pro at React Native technology.”
To add fun in work, as a part of perks to the employee, the company gives subscription to Physical fitness apps and extracurricular skills learning like Guitar or singing or Karate. It is essential to keep mind and body both healthy.
The team shares dreams, laugher, ambitions, and more importantly happiness. Sidharth mentions, “Our senior project manager just got her dream car last month. We celebrated that in the office also. The team of GraffersID is like a family and a sports team. We win together, we grow together. We thrive on such a sporting spirit.”
More Efficiency in Future
GraffersID is on the path of becoming a solution cum platform for Startups to eliminate barriers like Technology & networks. The management team is building a network of Investors and Startups where the right people will meet the right person. Sidharth personally interacts with aspiring startup founders failing to get the right technology partner and connect with the right people. He says, “You have a lot of potentials than you think. Only push yourself to limits and then experience the outcomes.”