Ralf Russ: Bringing Workflow Efficiency in Businesses using Smart Working
The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders to Follow in 2021

should make business and private life easier. Today, with the amount of data
and information the world is dealing with, the complexity of technology will
grow exponentially. Therefore, IT is often perceived as a burden rather than a
relief. This should change for the better again.
Russ, Managing
Director, and Senior Partner at Centracon AG, is
on a mission to bring improvement in business processes through digital
transformation. Centracon AG desires to build the counterbalance to
increasing complexity and information overflow and establish Smart Working in
companies. As Simplicity and understanding, the real needs of users are the
keys, and technology is the enabler. Hence technology should not replace human
beings but rather assist people. IT and human beings should work in coexistence
or a good synergy.
Own Success
can’t be defined in a single definition. It has multiple aspects for everyone. Ralf
believes that there are several definitions of success for different people.
These definitions also depend on different perspectives, like being a private
person, a business leader, or a consultant. In most cases, Ralf finds growth
and moving forward as a success. He opines, “If I learn something new
every day and if I’m able to apply it in my professional or private life,
that’s personal success. The same is true for companies. If they are flexible
and able to adapt quickly to changing environments, they tend to be more
successful as well.” He further adds, “As a consultant, there
is a very simple success measure if the client pays the bill every month with a
satisfied smile on his or her face that’s a success.”
finishing university, Ralf started his career with Andersen consulting, aka
Accenture. In the early 1990s, he recognized that information technology is
changing the world. The speed of change even then was so fast and increased
over the past years. Since then, Ralf never took his eye off on the technology
and services industry. According to him, “I’m inspired by many people
who have built the new digital world like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, but I’m also
inspired by the new generation that moves technology forward with great ideas
and new business models.”
Leading a
company to success is never an easy task and many times alone job. For some
leaders and entrepreneurs, money and power is the source of motivation. But
Ralf personally sees when one is leading a company, there is a chance of
learning something new every day and that’s what motivates and satisfies him
New while Facing Roadblocks
running an organization, a leader faces multiple challenges, and every
challenge is exceptional compare to another one. Ralf differentiates
content-driven or technical challenges and political challenges. He prefers
challenges that are solvable with logic, smart ideas, or hard work. He sees
that political challenges are irrational, and therefore he mostly tries to
avoid them. He adds that except for political challenges, all other roadblocks
can be resolved by good teamwork and a high degree of service orientation. He
holds consulting experience in the technology area what people and management
are often afraid of with believing that they can’t control, or they don’t
understand well. He says, “My take on that challenge is that the more
you invest in upfront education and marketing, the fewer problems occur
afterward. A journey is never straightforward, and failure is part of each
journey. At least if you explore new grounds.”
Companies to Achieve Digital Optimization
AG is specialized in Smart Working. The company creates (together with and for
our clients) digital workplaces that make daily work easier, more effective,
and more fun. This includes the definition of solid and modern IT architectures
to run and deploy Digital Workplaces. Building Digital Workplaces based on
virtual or cloud architectures is the main root of Centracon, and the company
is in the market for 30 years. On top of that, the core focus is digitizing
work processes and collaboration. The team says, “We apply technologies
like workflow, artificial intelligence, automation, and collaboration to design
workable solutions for digital work environments.” The organization
provides support to companies and IT departments to transform them for the
digital world. This includes planning of projects and measures. Also, the team
helps the clients in decision making and the realization and optimization of IT
projects and operations.
is the Key
Ralf states
innovation is the vital element in Centracon AG’s services. The team is
passionate about taking new approaches or trying things differently. At
Centracon, the team developed a visual picture of the Digital Workplace in
2006. The vision was that IT and business seamlessly can work together to
develop a smart IT environment. After years of dedication, that picture has now
changed into reality and many companies have adopted agile development
approaches that involve cross-functional teams right from the beginning to
rollout and adoption.
For the
organization’s client, the team often develops digital strategies and roadmaps
that have been created with a vision for 3-5 years ahead. So, it becomes
essential to include innovative topics and visionary ideas early and perceive
how they will evolve. He asserts, “Innovation is, therefore, part of
our daily business. One of our favorite quotes in Centracon is ‘We cannot solve
our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them (Albert
A Team
prefers to experience things himself before he proposes them to clients or his
people. He considers, “I have been lucky to learn IT from bottom up. I
programmed myself small applications and also worked in a client warehouse as
an interim warehouse manager very early in my career.” He considers it
a great experience.
to him, the biggest recognition for him when clients see him as part of their
team and his own team sees him as a coach rather than a boss.
As a
Centracon, Ralf is responsible for sales and finance that nicely covers both
sides of the P&L. At the office, his routine mostly contains time with
clients, operational tasks, and some strategy and planning. It is part of
Centracon’s DNA that even senior partners spend a lot of time with clients and
contribute their entire experience to develop smart solutions. He says, “I’d
define myself as a developer. I love to develop new and innovative things and
Be Ready
to Get Expandable
The management of the organization plans to grow Centracon AG significantly to enrich the world with Smart Working. Ralf’s goal is always to make myself expendable. He tries to make new approaches if his work is handled by someone else. Even he is having years of experience, still it took him almost 30 years to bring balance between personal and professional life. He opines, “My wife claims that she has been a single parent for many years, and I admit she’s right. Curiosity keeps me motivated, and I try to spark curiosity with employees as well.”
He states, “One thing is sure the people and employees that follow me will do my job better than me. Aspiring business leaders, make yourself expendable.”