Love for Work made Success a Way of Life
The 10 Most Innovative Companies to Watch in 2021

In 2005, long before anyone even knew what the “cloud” was,
Lance Crosby co-founded SoftLayer, a cloud company which was bought by IBM in
2013 for $2.1 billion. As Lance was working with IBM, he identified the pain
points of the cloud customers and providers that resulted from keeping cloud
systems secure while rapidly scaling which instilled a new thought in him. He
parted ways with IBM in 2015 and went on to start his own secure edge services
company called StackPath which is one of the leading companies in its field. As
we outline his journey, we have highlighted the important insights that serve
as a source of motivation for every person who is passionate about their
The Pioneering Path
An initial struggle StackPath faced was the fact that Internet
security risks were already at scale, and rapidly evolving and growing.
Additionally, the model most business use for securing their work on the
Internet was in—and in ways still is—an adolescent stage, growing from every
system being separately and uniquely secured to systems having integrated
security fabrics that just work without causing interruption and friction.
StackPath’s strategy was to purchase innovative companies that already had
standout solutions or advantages—like unique security or network tech, or
comprehensive delivery footprints—distill and advance those solutions, and then
build a single, cloud platform of inherently secure computing and services at
the cloud’s edge. This calculative plan allowed them to rapidly reach scale,
and enter the market with a composable foundation, ready for the continuing
growth and transformation of security threats.
They acquired MaxCDN and Highwinds for the distinct
distributed computing capabilities behind their successful content delivery
networks; Staminus for its advanced DDoS mitigation tooling; Fireblade for its
website security and traffic management software; Cloak, a prominent virtual
private network (VPN) provider; and Server Density, an up-and-coming
infrastructure monitoring and management company. As you can imagine, merging
six companies to create a seventh had its own challenges, but the approach has
been successful, increasing the customer count from 50,000 to more than one
million in less than two years after emerging from stealth.
The Security Products
While they have specific security products—such as an
advanced, cloud-based firewall (their WAF), DDoS mitigation, and SSL encryption
services—the true security advantage they provide is the fact that all of the
edge computing and edge service products are surrounded and strengthened by
their DDoS protection, a dedicated private network between edge locations, and
the ability to customize access and performance through edge rules and
serverless computing. That makes StackPath an inherently secure and scalable
platform, so cloud developers can protect, accelerate, and innovate whatever
they are building without needing cloud security and delivery expertise of
their own. Using StackPath, original computing resources and even user data can
be kept entirely separate from the public Internet.
The Expert Insights
Lance holds an Honorary Doctorate, a Master of Business
Administration, a Master of Science in Finance, and a Bachelor’s in Finance and
Management from Tarleton State University – a part of the Texas A&M
University system. He also holds a Juris Doctor from Texas Wesleyan School of
Law and a Master of Law from SMU. He is a licensed attorney in the state of
Texas, where he is an active member of the State Bar of Texas.
Lance did not originally choose technology or cyber security
as a career path. After moving to Dallas in 1995 for law school, he met two
guys from EDS who asked him to start an IPS. He networked all the Texas A&M
campuses together, basically creating .net when no one knew what the Internet
was. While he finished law school and went on to become a lawyer, Lance
realized technology was his passion and decided to focus on “the internet
thing” instead.
As CEO, he has ultimate oversight over a multi-product
platform that is now leading businesses to a secure and scalable Internet, as
well as leading the development of StackPath’s short- and long-term strategy.
He is passionate about his work and is driven by his vision to radically change
cloud technology. He often quotes, “love what you do, or you’ll never be good
at it”. StackPath is a result of Lance’s love for technology. Another Lance
quote reflected in StackPath’s ideology is “Never
stop innovating. Never stop asking ‘why’ and challenging the status quo.” These
life principles have kept him going and accepting challenges as a way of
The Course Ahead
The team at StackPath works hard to put together innovative
and creative ideas to change the practices of cyber security, and Lance and his
team have a definite list of future events in store for the growth of the
company. StackPath will be the default platform for secure edge computing and
services. They recently released their edge computing virtual machines (VMs),
containers, and serverless scripting. While others are talking about being an
“edge cloud platform,” they aren’t providing developers true edge
computing/processing that they can use for anything their solutions require.
StackPath does. Through 2019 their plan is to continue to refine and enhance
those services and introduce complementary services such as their recent object
storage service. All delivered via a secure, highly-performance edge network.
This will let their customers build things no one has even dreamed of yet.
True to his life principle, Lance followed and sought what
he loved to do. His love for his work not only introduced new ideas in the
industry but also made Lance Crosby’s story an inspiration. His passion and
vast knowledge acquired over the years boosted him with confidence to withstand
any challenge. As he sets out to write new success stories in the life of
StackPath we are certain that he will continue to inspire every individual who
courageously seeks a career path that they love.