Autumn | 2022
Top 10 Most Inspiring CEOs to Watch Out For in 2022

Editor’s Corner

Being An Exemplary Leader Is A Title Earned Everyday
A CEO of a company is the highest-ranking executive leader of a company and the duties of a CEO reflect this hierarchy. Being a leader at that level requires great strength and brilliant leadership qualities to lead the company to success. To be CEO is to be inspired and inspiring. To be an iconic CEO is to be fascinating and genuinely fascinated while empowering and gaining empowerment from all the great leaders that surround you. True leaders see magic in people all around them; they are open to it, realizing that there is always something new to learn. To help the company and the employees grow, it is important to become the type of CEO that people would follow voluntarily.
At Beyond Exclamation we honor the work of these executive leaders around the world who help their respective companies be noticed and stand out in the competitive world of business. We dedicate this issue “Top 10 Most Inspiring CEOs to Watch Out For in 2022” to them. Featuring on the cover of this magazine we have covered the successful journey of Douglas Brown, Co-founder & CEO of HALO Consulting, LLC. Having started his company as a bootstrapped start-up when the pandemic was beginning to upend businesses around the world, Douglas knew that failure to live up to their potential was not an option. Halo Consulting, LLC is a certified minority-owned boutique search firm based in Chicago, Illinois. Douglas’s courageous approach to dealing with a difficult situation has paid off. He is now the Co-Founder and CEO of a growing company. By establishing Halo Consulting, Douglas has also accomplished his goal of owning and running his own business, which he had shared with his colleagues very early in his career. Learn more about his journey in this exclusive article.
Inclusive in this issue also are the successful journeys of Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO of Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL); Farah Zulkharnain, CEO of WQ Park Health & Rehabilitation Centre; Christopher Bentley, CEO of Royal Johannesburg & Kensington Golf Club; Ingrid Reyes, Partner & CEO of M&A Creative Communication Agency; Natasha Makhijani, CEO of Oliver Sanderson Group; Sam Perry, CEO of Allergy A.R.T.S.; Jimmy Widén, Founder & CEO of 3SA Estate; Ionatan Galeano, Co-Founder & CEO of FLAPZ; and Sarfaraz Khan, CEO of Zegatron PVT LTD.
Let’s be inspired!