Seppo Huurinainen: Fighting the societal problems like climate change and biodiversity loss with Wuudis Solutions
The 10 Most Revolutionary Business Leaders Overcoming the Pandemic

Having a passion for serving mother nature, Seppo
Huurinainen, CEO of Wuudis Solutions, is addressing the climate change problem through
sustainable management of forests. Creating societal and environmental positive
change with the modern digital solutions, he is leading the way to create
win-win results for everyone.
Journey to success
Since childhood, Seppo has been fascinated with mother
nature. Before marking the dawn of the company, he held different development
and research positions within the forest and agriculture industry and worked
for organizations such as the Finnish Forest and Park Service, Metla, Finnish
Forest Centre, Metsäliitto, Stora Enso, and the National Board of Education.
His international career has included long-term project tasks in Indonesia and
While progressing forward in the career, he realized that
there was a need for an IT solution to handle the forest property data and its
operations in a digital way. This problem sparked an idea in his mind, and he
marked the advent of Wuudis Solutions for dynamic forest management and
Wuudis Solutions grew the team with like-minded credible people
to revolutionize the forest and related natural resource business through
digital services.
Tackling the challenges along the way
Developing and commercializing an innovative solution that
is disruptive in nature is not easy and requires a lot of personal motivation
and patience. One of the most important things is continuously motivating the
team and keeping product and business development rolling even in constrained
Seppo adds, “At Wuudis Solutions Oy, we are developing
visionary services, so sometimes we face problems with some prospective
clients, who are a little hesitant to implement our services as they have to
adopt new and improved operational practices by throwing conservative methods.”
Helping customers run their business more productively
and sustainably with Wuudis Solutions
Wuudis is a digital ecosystem solution for Forestry and
related natural resource assets for management and monitoring purposes,
providing up-to-date forest resource data and enabling seamless data sharing in
real-time between all business actors in the value chain. The company serves
different entities involved in the forest industry.
Forest and natural resource asset owners: Wuudis enables
easy and remote property management and guides them in planning the next forest
activities needed to get maximum economic benefit from the harvest.
Forest industry: Wuudis saves costs by providing specific
reports and Data (based on the fusion of multiple data sources like satellite,
field data, drone data, etc.), which drives their business towards efficiency.
Forest authority: Wuudis provides custom apps and services
to digitize their daily operations. These apps and services are integrated with
forestry big data sources like very high resolution satellite data, UAV data,
field verification data, etc., which opens further opportunities to develop a
one-stop platform to run their business.
Service providers or contractors: Wuudis provides digital
tools to manage natural resource assets on behalf of their customers (asset
owners). The experts of service companies run their daily activities over
Wuudis and also send reports to customers using features of Wuudis’s digital
Society: Wuudis adds societal and environmental value via
the promotion of sustainable natural resource management practices and
increased mobilization of available resources for the needs of the industry.
Revamping the industry with innovative solutions
The forestry industry is facing a transition due to
advancements in Big-data and AI technologies. Wuudis has embraced the value of
Big-data & AI with open arms.
As a part of the ICT4Forest project funded by the European
Space Agency, Wuudis integrates with multiple big-data sources like satellite
data (Sentinel-2 and VHR), field data, and other open data sources to run
forest and related natural resource business as a one-stop platform solution.
Seppo expresses, “Other service providers in the forestry IT
domain can bring their services into our platform and generate income. Through
the Wuudis platform, we will revolutionize the way how Forestry business works
today as every stakeholder able to generate income from the ecosystem, and a
win-win situation will be created for everyone in the business value-chain.”
Fighting the pandemic with smart solutions
In the fight against the pandemic, it is high time to
re-think our societal problems in order to adapt in a better way for the
Seppo adds, “We know that climate change and biodiversity
loss are major societal problems, but they can be addressed through sustainable
Forest management and monitoring.”
However, in the current state, static information and lack
of updated forest resource data are two hurdles that are causing a lot of
problems. Moreover, visits to remote sites are expensive and time-consuming to
verify the actual conditions of the forests.
With the European Space agency Copernicus program, there is
ample satellite data available, but there is a need for a usable IT solution
that makes it available to forest and related natural resources industry
end-users. This is where Wuudis Solutions comes to the rescue.
Seppo expresses, “Wuudis platform services are covering
these needs to drive dynamic Forest management and monitoring. Additionally,
Wuudis platform services help users to reduce their site visits as all updated
forest resource data are available over the smartphone. This has been a major
painkiller to many of our customers during the pandemic.”
Life as the CEO of the company
Wearing the hat of the CEO of the company, Seppo is responsible
for the overall operations. This includes driving business development,
financial management, customer relationship, investor relationship, team
coordination, etc.
Being an early bird, he handles the administrative and
financial matters in the morning and then indulges in meetings for the rest of
the day. He also makes time for further planning and plotting of strategy to
expand the company. He ends the day with a meeting with the business
development team, planning the next course of action.
Achieving work-life balance
Usually, in Nordic countries, the companies follow a very
good work-life balance model. So, this is also the case with Wuudis Solutions
While fueling the growth of the company, he makes ample time
for his family and his personal hobbies like gardening, berry picking, beer
brewing, winemaking, etc.
Future plans of Wuudis Solutions
Currently, Wuudis is in a growth phase for international
markets. The solutions of Wuudis have been well accepted in the domestic market
and got traction in the international market.
Seppo states, “Our strategy is to run several pilots with interested international customers, where they gain access to state-of-the-art digital integrated solutions, data-driven services, and reports to improve their business towards efficiency and cost savings at a discounted price. Hence, we invite interested companies and organizations globally to contact us if they aim to go for digitalization in the near future.”