Ran Rachlin: The Accomplished Pioneer revolutionizing the QA testing industry

The 10 Most Revolutionary Business Leaders Overcoming the Pandemic

A dedicated and hard-working leader, Ran Rachlin, Co-founder & CEO of Ubertesters, pursued his childhood dream of becoming his own boss with Ubertesters. Believing in Walt Disney’s inspiring words, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Holding years of profound experience in general management as well as strategic business planning, he is climbing the ladder of success with his flexible and super affordable service. 

For him, success had always meant identifying a dream or goal, stepping out of the comfort zone for fulfilling it, and striving hard to land the achievement. His highest level of success happened when he made a huge difference in people’s lives while doing what he loved.

He adds, “I left the comfortable seat of a CEO in the corporate world and went on to create a new startup from scratch. The challenge was how to ‘create something from nothing’ with no initial funding, no immediate salary to support my family, and no future guarantees. It all started with an idea based on a true “pain” I had, and a few years later, that dream became a reality with hundreds of clients, many employees, and a profitable company.”

Rising at the need of the hour

From a very young age, Ran trained himself to become an effective leader with a global view. He expanded his academic skills and gained massive global experience by managing and leading new initiatives from inception to implementation and significant sales, as well as managing large global organizations in different countries.  

Prior to the dawn of Ubertesters, Ran realized the need for a flexible, affordable solution to test mobile applications. Following the words of Walt Disney, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing,” he co-founded Ubertesters in 2013 to test any product for the clients and provide a full list of the bugs.

Holistic Solutions of Ubertesters 

Established in 2013, Ubertesters provides a complete, crowd-based, end-to-end software testing solution for both apps and digital web products via their crowd of professional testers available globally. The company proffers organizations in beta testing their digital products before launching them. 

Their holistic solution also comprises a SaaS product which is a comprehensive platform for managing the full mobile beta testing process and teams. Further, they render the provision of offshore outsourcing services by their QA experts in the East European facilities on a full-time basis. 

Ran adds, “Ubertesters is a powerful QA testing solution provider. We help our clients sleep better knowing they can launch their digital product with confidence, convinced it was well tested by real users, in their actual target market.”

The company is offering a big opportunity for all the young and fresher QA candidates seeking out exposure in the QA and testing domain after completing their QA education. Working with a plethora of QA schools across the world, Ubertesters supports fresh talents by proffering them their first-hand testing experience as they work as freelance testers. Not just world-class testing experience that they can add to their resume, the company also enables them to earn decent money while they are looking for landing their first job.   

Ubertesters Growth Chart in pandemic

Ran is quite happy with the growth witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ubertesters’ offshore services and crowd testing services received a positive response since many companies laid off their QA people and went for offshore outsourcing services. 

Also, with rising work flexibility, remote working caught everybody’s eyes. Many of their customers relied less more on outsourcing QA services, which meant remote testing and QA services were in demand. Thus, we added numerous people to assist in the new workload. 

Turning this disguise into a blessing, Ubertesters started adjusting to the new normal and learned two crucial lessons to stay ahead of the curve. 

Pandemic was unplanned, and thus, it is completely fine not to know your correct path. So, simply start the “battle” and plan your next moves as you proceed.

As the work-from-home situation amplified the rates of burnout, isolation feelings decreased staff morale and even lower productivity due to distractions. The following two methods were used to overcome all the above-mentioned issues.

  1. Over-communicate with the team: With all teams working virtually, communications became an essential element that bound them together. Ran adds, “I realized how important was the communications. Thus, I put out a bi-weekly email to all team members describing current events, praising continued efforts, and defining goals and expectations. In addition, I held a periodic video conference call with the entire team to allow them all to see each other and be involved in an open discussion.” 
  2. Regular Individual conversations: Pandemic has been an emotional phase for everyone owing to the feelings of uncertainty. Adding compassion in the conversations and being more frequent with questions like how they are doing? How stressed they are? has helped him in calming them in the best way.

Wearing the hat of the CEO of the company

Being the CEO of the company, Ran shapes the future vision of the company. He believes that without a clear vision, there can be no definite path to move on, so it is vital to have an eye on the end goal. Besides steering the wheel of the company, he builds and recruits the right members for the team. He finds the responsibility a crucial one and states, “The vision can be clear, the product/service can be amazing, but without a great team – there will be no execution.”

In addition to these responsibilities, he also takes upon himself the role of leading the sales team. 

Thoughts on work-life balance

Being a great believer in work-life balance, Ran strives to achieve it by focusing on two main things, namely, time management and setting boundaries. In his work, he sets daily priorities and follows a strict schedule to complete them. At the end of the day, he never takes the work home and spends quality time with his family and friends.

He even infuses the notion in his team as he believes that the balance allows the team to be more productive, creates a less stressful environment at work, and improves the overall work quality.

Charting the uncharted space

Ubertesters aspires to become the #1 global player in the field of crowdsourced testing within the next three years period. Ran states, “We will achieve this by continuing to grow through creativity, invention, and innovation. We will continue to put the ‘voice of the customer’ in the center, listen to our customer’s needs, and improve our service level.” One of the main plans is to expand globally by having additional sales offices in additional locations and/or by acquiring other businesses.

On the personal front, Ran wishes to fuel the company’s growth and then, after a few years, build a new company to find a product that will help humanity by improving the quality of life and life longevity.

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