Inder Phull: A Tech Enthusiast with Vision to Revolutionize Entertainment Industry

The 10 Most Futuristic Business Leaders to Follow in 2022

Blockchain technology has the ability to disrupt traditional business structures while also providing artists with new opportunities to monetize their material and create relationships with their audience. Gaming is another massive development potential that the world sees as a new canvas for artists to flourish. Inder Phull launched PIXELYNX with the goal of developing new technologies that would revolutionize the way musicians, labels, and brands exist in the metaverse.

PIXELYNX operates at the crossroads of various sectors, creating goods that will engage fan groups throughout the world through interactive forms. Inder believes that the new era of blockchain, gaming, and Web3 will provide one of the most significant growth prospects for the music business.

Embracing Entrepreneurship Spirit

Inder, who comes from a family of entrepreneurs, has always been interested in creativity and has wanted to make music or DJ since he was 12 years old. He feels that art and entertainment have a vital part in society as well, and he has always been fascinated by how various artists can convey such unique thoughts and notions using the same tools that everyone else uses.

During his teenage years, Inder started a DJ company, which provided him with an early introduction to the fundamentals of marketing and sales. But it wasn’t until he was at university that his “career” truly began. Inder started a company and secured a modest amount of initial financing to build a platform that connects companies and students. It was an interesting experience for Inder to build technology and go through the financing pitching process. He recalls, “I had pivoted the business to focus on connecting influencers to brands and got deeper into the entertainment space. It was the process of pitching to brands that really helped me understand my skills. I was able to work with some major clients, including Lacoste, HSBC, all the way to Disney.” This experience helped Inder refine his ability to present ideas and see through each project from pitch to delivery. 


PIXELYNX is an extremely interesting company formed by a group of innovators from the music and gaming industries, including deadmau5 and Richie Hawtin. The emphasis is on blurring the barriers between music, gaming, and blockchain to generate new revenue streams for the music industry while bringing fans closer to their favorite artists.

This year, PIXELYNX will release a game based on the Niantic ARDK (the same technology that powers Pokemon Go). The concept is that fans may explore the current world to find interactive experiences and NFTs produced by their favorite artists. Beyond this, the team has a number of other pillars to its business that all centre on the idea of developing new interactive formats that can bring music into the metaverse.

Working for Fulfilment and Purpose

Inder recognizes that his definition of success has evolved over time. He launched his first firm when he was just 20 years old, and he naturally had the foolish belief that success was largely determined by the amount of income his company earned. Inder, like most others, feels this is a crucial pillar of success, but he has come to realize that success is about more than simply money. It’s all about finding a sense of balance, contentment, and purpose. He says, “Working on PIXELYNX is a perfect example of working on a business that is fulfilling because we believe in the long-term mission and the impact it can have on an industry and people’s perception of art and music.” Inder considers that finding balance is always tough, but being your own boss gives you the ability to create a structure that works for your life, which he considers another example of “success”; it’s about autonomy and control over your own fate.

Today, Inder has a team of over 20+ employees across multiple regions, and with freelancers and partner companies, he works with close to 50 people on a full-time basis. This experience has also given him the perspective that success isn’t just about one person, it’s the collective ideals and aims the whole team shares. He asserts, “Building a team that is inspired and motivated is an important idea that I think defines success. It’s so easy to get lost in your own vision, but I find it inspiring to be around people that have new perspectives that make us all better individuals and creators. “

From Leading Team to Forming Long Term Strategy

Since Inder relocated to Los Angeles, a typical day at work has altered. He gets up at 4:30 a.m. and makes his first call to the European team at about 5 a.m. On some days, he will go to meetings later in the day, or he will preferably spend a few hours in focus time, when he will shift gears and work on either very urgent difficulties or improving long-term strategy.

Inder devotes a significant amount of effort to directing the long-term vision by defining the strategy, acquiring funding, and connecting the connections between various collaborations. He also collaborates closely with his executive team when it comes to hiring new personnel. He thinks one of his main responsibilities is to keep the team inspired and engaged in the company’s vision and shares his thoughts on potential problems they are trying to solve.

Through their approach to fusing technology and music, Inder’s partners, deadmau5 and Richie Hawtin, have redefined music culture many times over. Inder says, “Whether it’s through live performances or launching new experiences for their fans, both artists have always been at the forefront of innovation in the music industry, and they both exist as true individuals who see far into the future.” He further adds that it’s a pleasure to work with both partners as they challenge the whole team to think differently and focus on developing ideas that will have a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

Inder considers himself fortunate enough to have gained recognition from a range of awards and platforms. The most important moment was being awarded as the International Music Summit Visionaries Winner when he was 25. He says, “Visionaries was a global search for future leaders that would transform the music industry.” Inder’s presentation and ideas are pretty much the same as the concepts he is working on today, which are music, interactivity, and blockchain.

Addressing Challenges with Different Perspectives

Anyone who has started a business knows that it is never an easy road. The early days may be exciting and entertaining as you spend time being creative and exploring your ideas. When you get to the implementation phase and need to generate outcomes on a regular basis, the true obstacles begin. There have been several hurdles in Inder’s career, but one of the most significant is connected to fundraising and investors.

Even if they have a brilliant idea, many young entrepreneurs struggle to get funding. Inder had a similar experience during the first several months of PIXELYNX’s introduction. He shares, “We had a world-class team, a prototype of a product, and were still struggling to cut through.” His most important lesson was to bring in mentors who had previously worked with him. He recognizes that mentors play the most significant role in his work, and their expertise and experience in overcoming comparable hurdles to those you may be facing is priceless.

Inder claims that PIXELYNX is currently oversubscribed with investor demand, and that this has all transpired in the span of a year. Things can change very quickly, and what seemed like a major roadblock could just be a minor disruption. He further suggests, “Surround yourself with the best people, get mentors, keep refining your pitch and working on your vision.”

Enjoying Personal and Professional Life

Inder sees managing work life balance as an on-going challenge that he hasn’t cracked just yet, but moving to LA was a strategic decision to also try to create more balance. He states, “When I was in London, I would be working late at night and it was hard to shut off. Nowadays I find more time to relax in the evenings and the weather helps too.” He believes his professional and personal lives have always been inextricably linked, and he appreciates it, but the trick is not to let it take over. It’s difficult since he’s fascinated with it.

Inder believes that it is more difficult to attempt so many new things at work when everyone is dispersed and only communicates via online meetings. The team spends as much time as possible reflecting on their success while also establishing an atmosphere in which everyone feels like they can participate. Inder loves having close talks with as many members of his team as possible in order to learn what they are thinking. He says, “In terms of my own motivation, I’m blessed to be around such an inspiring team. My founders and team all have so much energy and there is never a moment that I don’t feel inspired by what we’re building.”

Creating an Interconnected Ecosystem

PIXELYNX’s product is currently in its early phases of development. Inder’s ambition for PIXELYNX is to build an integrated ecosystem of goods that will assist the music business in developing new opportunities in the metaverse. In addition to developing its own platform, the PIXELYNX team is investing in a variety of platforms that have the same goal of creating an open and linked network. He goes on to say that the goal is to ensure that all artists may build a career in the metaverse by exploiting the technologies that the organization develops and invests in. He states, “We want to be part of a community of companies that can create new revenue streams for artists whilst also pushing music and art culture into the future. We’re creating a new canvas for creativity to thrive, putting fans and artists at the heart of everything.”

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