Nikki Newton – A Forward Thinker & Confident Leader Mentoring and Coaching Senior Leaders
The 10 Most Revolutionary Black Corporate Leaders in 2023

Boasting a comprehensive understanding of
the entire business and investment lifecycle, Nikki Newton, President of
Private Wealth Management at UMB Bank, has been successful driving sustainable
revenue augmentation and profitability, and maintaining long-standing client
relationships, which has enabled achievement of business objectives, including
revenue growth, cost reduction and enterprise development.
Nikki leverages his 25+ years of global
executive experience to attract top-performing talent, provide clear direction,
and foster an inclusive, accountable environment that is value-driven, success
oriented and financially strong enough to advance the organization’s long-term
Dreams and aspirations as a young adult
At an early age Nikki knew what he wanted
to be when he grew up. He always wanted to be in banking. Like every child, he also had the
more traditional dreams of being an astronaut or professional athlete in his
childhood, but by 7th grade, at 12 years old, Nikki was sure that he wanted to
be a part of the investment business.
He took an economics course in 7th grade
from a wonderful teacher, Chuck, who was really fascinating, and Nikki thought
that all this makes sense. From then on, he started watching Wall Street Week
with Louis Rukeyser every Friday night on PBS, which his parents thought was
odd, but Nikki loved listening to the panelists and hearing about the markets
and market expectations. Nikki’s mom, who happened to be a high school
counselor, recommended he start taking economic courses in high school
recognizing that he had a true passion for it. Today, Nikki considers himself
extremely fortunate to have a career that aligns with that dream as president
of Private Wealth Management at UMB.
“If I could tell myself at 12 years old
that I landed exactly where I wanted to be, I never would have believed it. But
it’s truly amazing what you can do when you just put your mind to it and continue
to chase a passion,” says Nikki.
An unusual career path to UMB
After graduating high school, Nikki
attended the University of Central Arkansas and in what felt like relative
short order, he was both a failed academic and athlete, and needed to make a change.
Nikki ended up leaving and joining the Army
where he became a nuclear and biological chemical warfare specialist. He was
stationed to Fort McClellan in Alabama. He served two active years and five
years on the active ready reserve. Nikki states that it was during his time in
the military that he learned how to be the strong and confident leader he is
today. His time in the service helped him learn how to prioritize and manage a
schedule, but it also taught him about leadership and the hierarchy of command.
“There was a definite chain of command, and
you learn to respect it. I liked the structure, but I also liked how supportive
of an environment it was. If you had questions, you asked them, and they were
answered. You were given clear guidelines and definitive direction and were
expected to execute on them. This type of working environment was something I
thrived in and how I structure my team today,” states Nikki.
After he left the military, Nikki received
his bachelor’s degree in finance and a minor in economics. From there, he
received an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. His first job during
school was an internship at UMB’s mortgage company. After completing his
internship, Nikki’s boss walked him across the street to the bank and he interviewed
for an entry level position. Nikki accepted the job, completed the rest of his
school year and joined the bank in 1993.
In 1998, Nikki moved to Waddell & Reed
where he held various positions in the investment management space. After
working for almost 20 years there, he went back to where it all started and
joined UMB as the president of Private Wealth Management. Truly a full circle
UMB Bank and its services
UMB Financial Corporation is a financial
services company headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri. They offer commercial
banking, which includes comprehensive deposit, lending and investment services,
personal banking, which includes wealth management and financial planning
services, and institutional banking, which includes asset servicing, corporate
trust solutions, investment banking and healthcare services.
Built on a foundation of stability and
soundness, for more than a century, UMB has proven to be a strong financial
steward for their customers and the communities they are part of. They have
been able to maintain who they are and what they value, while continuing to
evolve and grow, which is something that makes them unique and is key to the
bank’s success.
There is a strength and security that comes
with an institution who has been around for more than a century. People do
business with UMB because they trust what they do and the counsel they provide.
As a relationship-based bank, their focus is on consistently delivering an
outstanding client experience.
Nikki believes at the center of their work
at UMB Private Wealth Management are people’s hopes and dreams, their life
goals and their vision of success. “My goal each day is to provide the
leadership, direction and encouragement to enable our team to help fulfill
those dreams for our clients,” he states.
Vision for the bank
As president of Private Wealth Management
at UMB, Nikki is responsible for the development and strategic execution of UMB
Private Wealth Management initiatives, including service and revenue goals and
managing senior leadership.
Nikki states that he would like to see the
Private Wealth Management group be a larger contributor to the overall bank
profitability as they continue to grow their assets under management and
“We want to be a good diversifying vehicle
for commercial growth and be at the front and center and top of mind for our
clients every day,” he explains.
Nikki wants their clients to feel and think
that they are partnering with them to solve a need. “If we can effectively do
that and show we care, while helping them understand what we’re doing for them
– that combination is powerful,” he says.
Nikki’s professional contribution to the
“My greatest contribution to the industry
was choosing and sticking with this profession as oftentimes I was the only
black person at nearly every conference or meeting I attended. Even in the
early days of my career, there weren’t a lot of women in the industry. Today,
that is not the case, and it certainly has changed for the better. We see a lot
more people of color and women in the wealth management and private investments
space, and I would like to think I’ve played a small part in helping spark that
change,” Nikki proudly states.
Work-life balance & personal goals
“I wasn’t great at maintaining a healthy
work-life balance for a long time,” Nikki admits.
Before joining UMB, he was traveling across
the country and world almost every week and it became exhausting. He didn’t
realize how off balance his life was until he left his prior job. When Nikki joined
UMB, his daughter told him how excited she was that her dad would be home more.
“That really struck a chord for me,” Nikki
exclaims. Now, he consciously takes the time to make sure he prioritizes his
family in all he does. However, it is still a work in progress.
Nikki’s top personal goal right now is, in
partnership with his wife, Kim, to raise their teenage daughter, Piper. This
goal certainly comes with its own unique set of challenges and fun with each
Nikki is also on the board for the Health
Forward Foundation, a Kansas City organization that is dedicated to supporting
and building inclusive, powerful and healthy communities characterized by
racial equity and economically just systems. They advocate for the health of
people that make communities thrive and their efforts focus on whole-person
care — from physical and behavioral to oral health and social services. This
organization provides services to improve all the social causes that result in
poor health for primarily black, brown and rural communities and Nikki is
extremely passionate about the cause, their mission and the great work they do
in Kansas City.
Nikki’s advice for aspiring black
professionals is: ‘find something you are passionate about and focus on doing
your job well. There is no doubt we have work to do in the areas of race and
inclusion and what better way to continue that work than being a part of the
change.’ It’s the position Nikki adopted and one he wholeheartedly recommends.
He also recommends spending time out of country, exploring other cultures. He
believes that this would give you a great perspective on things that make
people different, not just race.