Ishveen Anand: A Trailblazer in Sports & Tech
America's 10 Most Innovative Women Revamping the Future in Marketing

Ishveen Anand is the founder and CEO of OpenSponsorship, an
online platform solely focused on allowing brands to Search, Connect and
Sponsor opportunities within professional sports. OpenSponsorship allows brands
to search, connect and sponsor opportunities in professional sports
sponsorship. The platform’s vision is to make sports sponsorship easier for
everyone. At OpenSponsorship, everyone knows that athletes, teams and events
rely on sports sponsorship to keep the lights on and the wheels turning, so
it’s so very imperative to have smarter and easier access to the brands that
would make for great sponsorship partners. Led by Ishveen Anand,
OpenSponsorship has achieved a premier name in the sports sponsorship
landscape. This is her story!
The beginningz
Born and brought up in Manchester, England, Ishveen completed
her studies in Economics and Management from Oxford University, Keble College.
After working for an ephemeral stint of about 2.5 years with London-based
boutique retail management consultancy firm Javelin Group, Ishveen entered the
sports world in India. She moved to India to work for a Delhi-based sports
agency Commune and spent about 3 years servicing Mumbai Indians, Hero MotoCorp,
ICC, FIH, Pernod Ricard, Idea and many more companies. In 2011, Ishveen started
Auxus to work in cross-border sponsorship, particularly between UK and India.
But after getting married to a Fashion Designer, Kirat Anand of KAS New York,
in 2012 and moving to New York, Ishveen was challenged with difficulties
regarding continuing and managing Auxus’ business operations due to the
geographical distance, different time zones and different sports.
In Ishveen’s life as a sports agent, she was in charge of
brokering deals between athletes / teams / federations + brands. One of her
trips involved her going to Colombia to speak to various soccer teams to
inquire about their sponsorship opportunities available – she fed this
information back to the brand client, who said they would review in the next 1
month. “I knew the information would probably be different soon enough and so
I’d have to do the whole trip again, this made me wonder why there wasn’t an
Airbnb or Kayak for our industry and hence the idea was born,” she recalls.
Finally, in March 2014, Ishveen came up with the idea of OpenSponsorship, which
she launched officially in August 2014.
The struggle, rise and achievements
Ishveen started OpenSponsorship because she saw a business
need and understood that there was an opportunity to build an amazing
technology solution to solve the inefficiencies within the $60B sponsorship industry.
“I think it’s really important to start a company because you really believe in
the mission, because at times being a CEO / entrepreneur can be really
challenging and remembering why you are doing it, and believing in it, is
really important. At first, when I started and had one technical partner, I was
an entrepreneur, now that we are a team of 10, my role has definitely evolved
to become a CEO. My responsibility is to recruit the best people and make sure
they are properly equipped and inspired to complete our mission, as opposed to
being the one that does the work,” Ishveen shares.
Ishveen has achieved many accolades in her career, which has
always paved her way and made her realize that she is on a right path. To name
a few in a long list of Ishveen’s achievements and highlights; she has been
named on the Forbes 30U30 list for sports; she has done OpenSponsorship’s first
six figure deal with a top NFL player and a brand who would never had otherwise
invested in sports; she has signed her client, Anheuser Busch, arguably one of
the most sophisticated sponsors of sport as it gives her technology a lot of
validation; being named one of the most innovated AI partners by IBM and
getting advertised by IBM Watson on their homepage; and she has also brought an
NBA All-Star Baron Davis as an investor and in total raising $1.4M.
OpenSponsorship offers a transparent look at the sponsorship
opportunities available across athletes, teams and events, for brands to
partner with. Currently, they are most focused on athletes for a number of
reasons (a) the price point to partner with an athlete is a lot more accessible
than bigger teams and (b) the rise of influencer marketing has meant that we
found an amazing untapped opportunity with giving brands access to athletes for
mostly digital and social media benefits.
Making the most of life
Growing up, Ishveen cared about making her parents proud and
making the most of life. She was never tied to wanting to do x or y in life, it
was very much about making every day count. This attitude, according to her, is
what has made her who she is and something she continues to count on. Ishveen
also shares that a leader for her is someone that can empower a team to be
unified on one mission. “I think of someone that leads by example, never thinks
they are too good to do a task. I think of someone that is constantly learning
and self-improving. Being a leader isn’t about one moment, but it’s about
keeping up as times and circumstances change. When I hear businesswoman, just
by putting Woman into the word, I think of someone who understands that being a
woman brings its own challenges and benefits. You have to learn how to deal
with the challenges and you have to make good on the benefits. I think of
someone strong, ambitions, passionate and successful,” Ishveen asserts.
Continue to bring more people
When asked whether she has achieved all that she desired,
Ishveen answers, “Not at all, there is still such a long way to go. It’s
definitely important to celebrate the wins and the journey, but we have big
ambitions, personally and as a company, and so it’s about working hard to each
milestone. Right now for us its two fold; customer service – constantly hit and
surpass our client’s marketing and sales expectations and continuously build out
our proprietary technology.” For Ishveen, it’s important to continue to grow as
a CEO for her team, and to be seen as a trailblazer within the sports + tech
industry so as to inspire other females and minorities. As far as
OpenSponsorship’s future outlook is concerned, her goal is to continue its
amazing growth through bringing on more great people, focusing on customer
success and keeping up the platform innovation.