Innovation Takes a New Shape with TrustBuilder Technology
The 10 Most Admired CEOs Beyond Leadership

Technology keeps evolving every day with the adaption of new techniques and inventive methods. Not only businesses but the life of a layman has also become easier and convenient with the advancement of technology. Smartphones are an important part of our lives today, however the applications we use on our phones are even more important that simplify our busy lives to a great extent. Taking the innovation of technological applications to the next level with an out of the box thinking, Marc Vanmaele, CEO of TrustBuilder Corporation, embarked upon his own journey of success. A computer engineer with a wide industry knowledge and experience, Marc decided to follow his passion that made TrustBuilder Corporation one of the leading companies in its field. As he shares his incredible journey with us, we are certain that his professional accolades will inspire us to take the step of change today.
Being an Overachiever Despite the Challenges
Due to circumstances Marc grew up with his grandparents, who were already in their seventies. This meant he had to make his own decisions and become quite independent at a young age. From early on Marc was fascinated by electronics and this determined his choice to study in the electronic engineering and telecommunications domain.
The engineering phase of his career was certainly very rewarding, highly recognized as a tech Wizkid on international level. The toughest part of his journey were the years prior to the transformation of the services company into a product company. Some statistical insights in achievements:
- Merging computer and telecommunication activities in the early eighties at Philips
- Coming from a large multinational into a small company in the early nineties and grow the business substantially and expand internationally
- SecurIT was an IBM partner from day 1 in a new domain (now called Identity and Access Management, a term that didn’t exist yet at that time). As a result of their joint efforts, Forrester Research attributed a 60% market share in Europe in 2002, half of that in the Benelux, their home market.
- In 2017 Marc transformed the services company SecurIT into a product company TrustBuilder Corporation, attracting external growth capital for the first time.
The Success of a Passionate Leader
Marc started his professional career in computer engineering at Philips, more hardware oriented in the beginning, evolving later to software. In his early 30s he decided to move to the sales and marketing domain. Until this day, Marc feels that his technical background is useful, even if he does not practice it anymore. He changed to a smaller company in 1988 and via MBO he became the owner and CEO of that company in the early nineties. He finally decided to create a new company in 1999, SecurIT, which is now TrustBuilder Corporation.
Marc managed to achieve most of the goals he had set for himself. After investing over 10 mio in R&D for their own software solution without external capital, he felt that his hard work has finally paid-off when they were transforming into a product company and attracting external capital to boost international sales and marketing efforts.
As the CEO of TrustBuider Corporation, Marc is entirely focused on his job during business hours and on weekdays he often works in the evening. “My children are out of the house already and my partner takes care of most household activities. However, on weekends I enjoy my family life, mostly in our property at the cost side.” Marc, says.
Marc is hard working and passionate about his business. He has put together years of experience and knowledge to build a thriving company. He believes that focus is the prime factor in the success of an entrepreneur. “I think focus is amongst the most important characteristics to be successful. Stick to the goals that have been set and make sure all people involved do that as well. That’s through as entrepreneur and in private life as well.” Marc, adds.
The Incredible Journey That Lies Ahead
The company’s solution, TrustBuilder Identity Hub is an advanced orchestration platform for secure interaction between users and applications, across organizational boundaries, in the Cloud and with business partners. Customers choose their approach for the flexibility it offers, the way they can make the journey user friendly, yet secure in relation to the use case. This combined with the skills and experience of their technical teams to ensure success in a timely manner and with minimal costs. The company is heading towards a second financing round for growth. This could be by a financing partner or an industrial partner, ending up in an acquisition on term. Marc plans to either continue at Board level only or retire after a successful career.
Marc may have started small, but he had a big dream to achieve and his passion to do all that it takes to keep up in the race of success has made TrustBuilder Corporation a leader in the market. He is a leader who has stood strong amidst the difficult times and has triumphed with an inspiring tale of success. As Marc continues his journey with focus and dedication, we are certain that he will be leaving trails of success stories for every aspiring entrepreneur to chase their dreams. It takes a good leader to build a company and Marc sure exemplifies that with the growth and expansion of TrustBuilder Coporation.