Elizabeth Kuruvilla: Retain Car Shine with Water-conserving Green auto Detailing
The 10 Most Intelligent Automotive CEOs to Watch in 2021

With ‘water conservation’ and ‘sustainability of scarce
resources’ becoming an essential aspect of every domain of our planet today, Elizabeth
Kuruvilla leads UAE’s first Green Car Spa, Green Shine, with the objective of
limiting water wastage in the auto care industry. Her company provides
waterless and organic alternatives to all Auto Cleaning and Detailing services
that are required to keep one’s car pristine and shining. Whatsmore, these waterless
spa packages can be availed of by the customer, even at his doorstep, without
moving his car – while his garage
remains as clean and dry as ever!
Her commendable efforts in this field are inspirational. “While
1/3rd of the world reels without water for basic needs, I believe that wasting
water on mundane activities such as cleaning your car, is criminal” she shares.
Hence, when she came across this concept of waterless cleaning/detailing of
cars, she fell for it and gave up her lucrative corporate career to set it up
here in this part of the world.
Mission to A Water-Sustainable Tomorrow
While all five pillars of Energy, Water, Food, Ecology &
Waste need sustainability, water is
critical as it forms the basis of life and is an indispensable basic need for
any form of life. As UAE is high on the list of per capita water consumers, owing
partially to wastage in the Auto Care industry, it is vital to work towards
ameliorating water levels for future generations – starting with replacing the
water guzzling traditional auto car wash system, with much more efficient and
far superior methods.
She states, “At a very nominal rate of 100 liters per
wash and one wash per week, this works out to over a billion gallons of water
that could otherwise be put to life-saving needs.”
Over and above contributing to carbon footprint reduction as
compared to traditional methods of car wash, Green Shine’s comprehensive range
of waterless and biodegradable Smart Liquids also enable longer life for the
car body ( being chemical-free) as well as cleaner and safer surroundings (no
drainage issues), leading to better city landscaping while also providing
better working conditions for customers and staff.
The road to success, as
we all know, is strewn with stumbling blocks. Perseverance, she shares, is the
key. “Anybody who has set up a business knows that nothing ever goes ‘as
per plan.’ You have to learn to be flexible enough to adapt to the
setbacks/changes required.” While setting
up her business, her first step was a thorough research to reaffirm
suitability of the product to the market chosen, competition, future scalability
of business and so on – essential steps for anyone who wants the hard work put
in, to reap rich results.
Initially, even building a customer base proved to be a hurdle. Wash being synonymous with water, getting customers on-board to quit the popular water wash method and rely on waterless techniques was equivalent to bringing about a total change of deep-rooted mindsets. However, with consistent and adamant efforts of offering demos and providing free services, her team was able to build trust and break all barriers slowly, but surely – turning some initially reluctant customers into even life long ones.
Currently, Green Shine works on a 3-tier service provision:
- Direct outlets for the
consumer to avail of its waterless services
- Mass fleet operators where
these waterless services are carried out enmasse on a daily basis.
- Appointing franchisees to
apply the same models in other GCC countries.
Standing out in the Highly-Competitive Market
Elizabeth emphasizes that Customer is King and constant communication
with customers is core to establishing long-lasting relationships. As times change, customer demands evolve. Businesses grow only
if they continue to meet changing customer expectations. Competitors then face
an uphill task trying to surpass your trust in the market.
She confidently adds, “Any business that rests on its
past laurels will die eventually – you have to be on a constant path of
evolution, adding to your product/ service portfolio and using the right
platform to create awareness of these new offers among your target customer
Having chosen the path less trodden, positive feedback from loyal customers, she says, is one medium that
always keeps her motivated. She enjoys meeting
her customers at various outlets to get a feel of their requirements and the
market, in general. According to her, “Feedback can be in different forms
– not always verbal or in writing. To me, a repeat customer is the best form of
feedback. When we see our loyal customers bring in all their cars (some with 4
or 5 in the family) day after day, year after year, for all their cleaning and detailing
needs, our sense of achievement is complete.”
Leading The Dream Life As An Entrepreneur
For Elizabeth, transforming from a stable Corporateur to her
dream-life of entrepreneur was arduous but
highly satisfying. With the noble aim of helping, in whatever small way, to eradicating
water scarcity of the future, she is on the mission of converting atleast 50%
of all car owners in UAE to waterless ways of cleaning/detailing. As a
recognition of this inspirational step, she has
been at the receiving end of several awards:
- One of the 5 finalists at
the Emirates Woman Ambition Awards co-sponsored by INSEAD and Emirates
Woman magazine (2012 –year of incorporation in UAE)
- “Dow Prize for
Sustainability” at Acumen, Dubai Chapter (2013)
- Top 3 ‘Green Businesses of
the Year’ at SME Stars of Business Awards co-sponsored by Dubai Economic
Council (2014)
- “Admirable Woman
Entrepreneur” Award at SME Stars of Business Awards (2015)
For her, however, the
best reward is the growing awareness among larger portions of society, previously
dependent on water-based auto cleaning/detailing methods, of the need to turn
to waterless ways.
Elizabeth manages to maintain service quality through the
plethora of supervisors appointed at different branches, making sure services rendered
are all top-notch. She adds, “I spend
a lot of time with my staff who are truly the backbone and the front of my
organization (Labour contributes to 40% of her total cost) – not just to ensure
that they feel valued but also because through them I get to gauge the pulse of
the market best.”
Green Shine’s Future Roadmap to Success
Elizabeth states, “Green Shine’s target customer is one who loves his/her car and spends time,
money, and effort in keeping it looking
‘as good as new’. Her 5-year plan is to
expand to atleast 20% of UAE’s population, through making her services
available to as wide a cross-section of her target customers as possible – by
opening up more and more outlets at right locations. Applying the 20-80 ratio, it is this 20% of
these targeted customers that will contribute to saving 80% of water wasted
thru Auto care activities.”
The outlets have been endorsed wholeheartedly by customers
and this truly reaffirms her belief
about the widespread environment awareness in the UAE, thanks largely to a
number of Government initiatives . It feels good, she says, to see customers leave with the satisfaction of ‘
not only having a super clean car…but also with a very clear conscience!’.