Bruno Decreton: Changing the Game for Customers, and surprising them for the Good
The 10 Most Influential Marketing Leaders to Watch in 2022

Marketing is gaining popularity. It has frequently been the
driving force behind major consumer goods enterprises. Its impact is spreading
across the board, including across B2B corporations, professional services
organizations, and engineering and logistics firms. On business bestseller
lists, YouTube playlists, new brands that have broken out and defined
themselves, and the growth of marketing companies, marketing is on the rise
(and what investors are paying for them). Marketing is evolving into a more powerful
and resource-rich company function. Bruno Decreton, Chief Marketing Officer of
Shamir Optical Industry Ltd., is a marketing manager with extensive
expertise in global strategic marketing and regional marketing strategy.
At Shamir, Bruno sees himself as a hub. Shamir Optical is a
fantastic company with a lot of energy in every single department. Bruno says,
“Our headquarters are in Israel, the land of innovation, so we get lots
of inspiration to improve our products and services. We have subsidiaries all
over the world.” Bruno’s responsibility is to build and deliver the
marketing strategy (products, communication, brand, and digital) to support the
strategy of the group. To do so, his team needs to be connected to many
departments and entities: regions, markets, R&D, Operations, Finance,
Legal, and HR.
Progressing as a Leader
Graduated as a biomedical engineer, Bruno wanted to develop
new technologies to improve people’s lives. He spent 13 inspiring years in R&D
and learned a lot in different positions in an ophthalmic company. Then Bruno
had the opportunity to move to Strategic Marketing and manage different product
lines. He recalls, “Thanks to the different managers I had and the
trust they put in me, I grew in Marketing. I could capitalize on what I learned
in my previous positions about products and explore new fields of marketing
strategy and step by step become a leader in marketing in the group.”
Bruno is inspired by the idea of his firm pushing the entire
industry in a different direction, changing the game for the benefit of his
clients, consumers, and, of course, his company. He believes that every
marketer is looking for the disruptive idea that will make his/her company
different from the other ones. But creating value also comes from small steps.
Bruno says “As a marketer in an established company, you have to work on
improving the current business thanks to better offers, better services and at
the same time, explore routes for disruptive models”. He thinks that thinking
like your consumers leads to integrity for marketers. He states, “You
need to believe and be committed to this mission. Then you can change small
things or build the most ambitious projects with the right mindset.”
According to Bruno, the people he meets frequently inspire him
by giving him a fresh viewpoint and prompting him to consider a new approach in
the sector. In Bruno’s opinion, customers, co-workers, and friends may all
bring their own vision and enthusiasm. Finally, he describes how all of these
insights and ideas come together to build your unique vision.
Shamir Ltd.
One of the most well-known lens makers is Shamir Optical
Industry. The company is convinced that by enhancing people’s eyes, they may
improve their lives. In 2022, it will mark its 50th anniversary.
Bruno says “the ophthalmic market is very inspiring because
new needs are emerging constantly as our way of living changes and we can
improve people’s everyday life by improving their vision”
Shamir’s principles, according to Bruno, are the driving
force for its ideas and activities, keeping the Eyecare Professionals at the
core. Every Shamir representative is dedicated to their clients’ vision and to
providing the greatest service and support possible to meet and exceed their
goals, all while maintaining a personal touch.
Customers of the firm include eye care professionals from
all around the world. Its R&D department is always working on new
technologies. Its goal is embodied in its trademark “Perfect Vision,
Personal Touch,” which aims to provide the greatest products while also
cultivating a particular relationship with clients.
Eye on the Changing Marketing Landscape
Marketing adds value to your company by establishing a
brand, developing a product strategy, connecting with consumers, generating
leads, and laying the groundwork for your sales force. Because people’s
lifestyles are changing, marketing methods must adjust and adapt. The
expectations and ambitions of people are shifting. As a marketer, Bruno thinks
that you must feel the pulse and observe what is going on around you in order
to be in the right location at the right moment with the appropriate offer for
each individual. He goes on to say that modern technologies are really helpful
in this regard. He asserts, “We use a lot of big data about how people
behave, and identify their visual needs.”
According to Bruno, artificial intelligence is changing the
game by allowing businesses to create customized products or services based on
the wants of their customers. The epidemic, for example, has hastened people’s
usage of digital technologies. Digital usage increased by 60%, according to
Shamir. It was able to respond quickly and upgrade its products to meet this
usage, providing consumers with visual comfort and performance. Bruno also
mentions that the lines between marketing and sales are blurring. It’s all
about bridging the gap between marketing and sales, resulting in more revenue
for your organization.
Bruno believes that connecting dots allows you to grow as a marketer: “ You are making the connection between the needs of the customers, the new developments in R&D, the distribution, the strategy of the company and new opportunities”. This is how you bring value to your company. To make this connections, Bruno considers that it starts by having the right profiles in the marketing team and encouraging them to connect dots. At one extreme, some people are very much data driven and analyse everything. On the other end, some profiles are very creative and generate new ideas, new approaches. As a manager, you have to make them work efficiently together and ensure that they will stimulate each other by their different approaches. “At the end, you can have the best strategy but fail if you don’t have the right people to make it happen. It all starts with people”
The Strong Will to Follow Dreams
Professional options were presented to Bruno that matched
his goals: engineer, manager, and strategic marketing. All of these changes
were major, but he had laid strong foundations and was prepared to adapt.
He is grateful to those who have provided him with fresh
possibilities, opened his eyes, and recognized what he truly wants to do in his
life. Bruno made a major decision when he decided to join Shamir Optical since
it was a different company, a foreign nation, a different culture, and a shift
in his personal life. He recalls, “My wife told me, I can feel that
deep inside of you, you want to go for the big change and I feel you are ready
for it.” So, Bruno succeeded, and he expresses his gratitude to
his wife on a daily basis for assisting him in making this decision. The
highest acknowledgement for him has always been people’s faith in him.
Keep Moving Forward
Bruno believes in “Constructive Instability.”
He further shares, this means that you build foundations in your career that
are made of experience, know how, and relationships. He adds, “Strong
foundations allow you to go for big changes. These changes will destabilize
you, but your foundations will keep you standing and moving forward.” Referring
to a quote, Bruno states, luck is what happens when preparation meets
opportunity, and understanding that you are ready for a big change is a strong feeling.
Living a Fulfilled and Motivational Life
Bruno believes that meeting consumers is the best incentive
since it shows you the route. He also notes that client interactions can be
pleasant or difficult, but there is always something to learn.
Bruno travels frequently, so he makes time for his family.
This is where he gets his idea of what he’s up to. He also makes as much time
as he can for performing music in a band. He loves those moments of connecting
and building together.
Success is Living on Values
People can clearly see how successful you are in business as
a leader. Bruno, on the other hand, feels that success is determined by what
you build and what you leave behind. He distinguishes between professional and
personal achievement.
From a professional standpoint, he considers success to be
the creation of a strong and balanced team based on a clear and solid plan and
the development of that team. From a personal viewpoint, success for Bruno is
making decisions that are important to you and are consistent with your personal
Plans for the future of Shamir Ltd.
Bruno recognizes the importance of providing services in
addition to products in order to provide the greatest possible client
experience. His goal for Shamir is to assist its clients in becoming even
better at what they do; it’s a win-win situation. He discovers that new
technologies are assisting Shamir in constructing this future.
Bruno’s personal objective as a marketer is to help Shamir
Optical stay ahead of the curve and relevant in an ever-changing industry. He
says, “Consumers’expectations are changing and we need to understand
them and there are also so many emerging technologies that we need to make
smart choices.”
Bruno message to all emerging leader is to “Take
your time ! You need to know yourself, learn from every position you hold
and build strong personal foundations. This is what makes you stronger,
connected to people and ready for big challenges.”