Autumn | 2022
The Most Inspiring Business Women to Watch in 2022

Editor’s Corner

There Is No Limit To What Women With Determined Can Achieve
With more women taking on leadership roles and diversity on board, businesses will open new opportunities for growth. Some struck out on their own; others teamed up to launch the next big idea. Whatever the case, these dynamic women have been building and running valuable, high-growth companies across a diverse set of industries. They understand the fact that to be self-empowered, they need to empower others. Many female leaders are looked up to and admired fondly by thousands of young & aspirational women across the globe.
Beyond Exclamation respects women in leadership while honoring their journey by dedicating this issue titled “The Most Inspiring Businesswomen to Watch in 2022” to them. Featuring as the cover story we have covered the successful journey of Dr. Maky Zanganeh, Co-CEO & President of Summit Therapeutics. Dr. Zanganeh is a recognized leader in the healthcare industry. From minimally invasive surgical robotics to a patient-friendly small molecule drug for blood cancer patients, Dr. Zanganeh has led, contributed to, and inspired many industry transformations. Born in Iran in 1970, Dr. Zanganeh has overcome tremendous personal challenges after a life spread over three continents and four countries. She had a mixed Franco-Iranian education at Jeanne d’ Arc School in Tehran, until its closure after the 1979 revolution. Dr. Zanganeh lived through the war in Iran, an experience that changed her life and her way of thinking. Over her career, she has learned a great deal about cancer patients and their will to live. In 2019, Dr. Zanganeh was diagnosed with breast cancer; she mentioned that: “to fight cancer we have to aim high and go for a cure as long as the body can handle it.” In other words, fighting until the end, and never giving up. Read more about her inspiring journey in this exclusive article.
Also inclusive in this issue are the inspiring journeys of Katy Murray, Director of Catalyst Collective; Julie Dennis, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Acas; Sonia Rahbani, Founder and CEO of Dermapro; Lori O’Brien, CEO of DaddyO’s Ice cream, LLC; Nancy Agee, CEO of Carilion Clinic; Eileen Willett, Co-Founder of Cucumber Clothing; Felena Hanson, Founder of HeraHub; Monica Gupta, Director of Interactive Bees; and Jes Osrow, Founder of JOSROW.
Let’s Be Inspired!