Autumn | 2022
The 10 Most Fearless Leaders in Business, 2022

Editor’s Corner

Success Is The Result Of Preparation, Hard Work, And Learning From Failure
One of the key qualities in great leaders is… Fearlessness. “Fearlessness” doesn’t mean that these leaders aren’t afraid, ever. Technically, it is impossible to be fearless. But what they truly are is relentless. Great leaders are not those without the presence of any fear… But rather those who are relentless in the face of their fears and know exactly how to manage them. Fearless leaders aren’t those who are always confident in the face of fear. But rather those who know their fears in-depth and understand how to manage them in the face of challenges. The hallmarks of fearless leadership are a focus on growth, forward momentum, and action.
At Beyond Exclamation we honor the journey of these leaders who carry the weight of expectations, of your team members, your customers, your families, the outside world, and of course, of themselves, powering through life. We dedicate this issue titled “The 10 Most Fearless Leaders in Business, 2022” to them. Featuring on the cover we have covered the successful story of Andy Khawaja, Founder, and CEO of Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is getting integrated into almost all aspects of a human’s life. It is reshaping the future of people, businesses, and nations. And the company that is beginning to make a significant mark on the AI landscape is Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform. For Dr. Khawaja, innovation has been an inseparable part of his life. Innovation is also central to AIDP’s operation. Since Dr. Khawaja founded AIDP, innovation continues apace there, without any interruption. Dr. Khawaja feels fulfilled and successful if he can offer others a new means for success. And, to help others, reach their goals and achieve new levels of success, he has created countless products and solutions and innovative technology. Read more about his journey in this exclusive article.
Also inclusive in this issue are the successful journeys of Samuel Caulier, Founder and CEO of Projinit; Maria Bou Eid, GM of Kerten Hospitality; Jimmy Widén, Founder and CEO of 3SA Estate; Stephanie Latorre, Founder and CEO of EGM; Tim Maroney, President, and CEO of TCI Software Inc.; Joshua Pelled, CEO and Founder of Bright Futures UK; Pete Tseronis, Founder and CEO of Dots and Bridges LLC; Christopher Bentley, CEO and Founder of Royal Johannesburg & Kensington Golf Club; and Ionatan Galeano, Co-Founder & CEO of FLAPZ.
Let’s be inspired!