Joan DaVanzo: Leading in Health Economics Consulting
The 05 Most Admired Leaders in Management Consultancy, 2021

“Being successful” has a different meaning for people at
different stages of their lives. Joan DaVanzo, CEO of Dobson DaVanzo &
Associates, LLC is one such leader for whom “being successful” has changed as
she progressed and evolved in life. Completing her Ph.D., or running a
marathon, or being able to perform in a sport used to be success as
mastery in achieving one’s goals and being the best is what meant . Later in
life, she now considers herself to be successful if “I succeed in creating an
environmentin which myemployees grow and achieve excellence. When a new
client chooses our firm over competitors, we are all being successful as a
Treading the Path of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship was not new for Joan. She had already
founded a “two dollar” brokerage firm on the floor of the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE). She became one of the first women members by having a
seat on the Exchange. Over the years, seats ranged from $4,000 in the mid-1800s
to $3.575 million at the end. She says, “I knew that the role of floor brokers
(which was what a “two-dollar” broker was) had a limited shelf life because
communication technology would eventually advance and orders to buy or sell
stock would be transmitted electronically to the post. There would not be a
need for so many brokers to physically walk out to the posts and execute the
orders.” Not long after, regional exchanges started happening, and the NYSE was
no longer the center of everything. The NYSE eventually became a
for-profit public firm.
After this, she walked a long path to get to where she is
today. She adds, “I had earned a MSW in clinical social work, and I got my
license (meaning I was a psychotherapist). I worked for the New York Office of
Mental Health as a day treatment social worker with seriously mentally ill
patients. I also maintained a private practice doing individual and group
therapy with adults. When I moved to California to get a Ph.D. in public health
at UCLA, I became licensed in California and set up a private practice out
there. I loved all my patients.”
Impediments on the road to becoming Successful
From becoming a floor broker in a male-dominant field to
earning a Ph.D. in health policy while treating patients as a psychotherapist,
Joan had to face many challenges along the way. She faced all of them with
sheer hard work and commitment and never gave up. She further adds, “When we
started Dobson | DaVanzo, I was an “old hand” as an entrepreneur. We started
the firm with three people at the kitchen table. Over the next fourteen years,
we were given opportunities to do really interesting work for the clients. And
here we are today, having our best year ever, despite COVID and all the
challenges attendant to that.”
Core Services and Vision of Dobson DaVanzo &
Located in Washington DC, Dobson | DaVanzo is a health
economics and policy consulting firm that works with clients to help solve
problems, using data analysis to understand the exact nature of the problem and
impart solutions. With a specialization in Medicare and Medicaid payment
policy, Dobson | DaVanzo analysts utilize medical claims data to model specific
government policies and determine the financial impact of the policy for each
Below are Dobson | DaVanzo’s main services:
- Perform
regulatory analysis and work with clients to submit their public comments
to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rulemaking
- Support
attorneys through litigation support and damage estimation and by serving
as expert witnesses
- Conduct
health services research to study access to health services for different
groups of patients
- Produce
data products for clients to provide market intelligence and help them
participate in advanced payment models like Accountable Care Organizations
(ACOs) and the CMS Bundled Payment for Care Initiative Advanced (BPCI-A)
Maintaining Core Values and Integrity
Beginning with the same data as the government had access
to, the firm often constructs longitudinal cohort studies to showcase the value
proposition of the client’s product or service. She adds, “A client could
choose not to release a study that had adverse results, but if results were
going to be released, they would follow our stipulations. This requirement has
served us well over the years because the data do not lie. It has enabled us to
serve as honest brokers and work for different types of provider groups who all
compete with each other in the marketplace.”
She considers hiring for integrity to be extremely crucial.
. Dobson | DaVanzo is a continuinal “learning environment” and offers
professional development for its employees.
Managing CEO and home roles with Equal Ease
Being a CEO, she has to wear all the hats at different
times. She says, “As CEO, I probably get involved in most things that go on in
the firm. My partner (who is also my husband) and I have a hand in most of the
technical work. I oversee the government work, some commercial projects, as
well as accounting and invoicing. We both oversee HR.”
She is usually the “last eyes” for all reports and proposals
before they go out. Her typical workday starts with reviewing the previous
day’s emails and then web calls throughout the day with clients and prospective
clients. COVID has really increased her touch base calls with the managers as
now they have weekly staff meetings, monthly town halls, monthly “cocktail
hour,” and play Bingo in free-time. She feels she is “blessed” and has
angels watching over the firm as there are many “coincidences” where things work
out the way they are supposed to without any problem.
Her Sundays and Wednesday afternoons are spent at the barn
with the 3 horses that she dearly loves. She loves to garden and has a vibrant
jungle of flowers every year. Being a travel-friendly person, normally she
takes several trips each year and embraces being around flora and fauna. She
enjoys sailing as well. Having an accomplished staff means she doesn’t have to
worry about work while on a trip. Thus, while balancing her professional and
personal life is not easy, it does happen from time to time!
Personally, she wishes to support her people such that they
can do great things and always be at the “top of their game”. Professionally,
she wants to make Dobson | DaVanzo be seen as the “go to” analytic firm in the
DC area . Further, she says, “My other goal for us is to develop a suite of
data products and subscriptions that provide our clients with critical
information at critical times.”
Contribution as a Business Leader in this field
She shares, “I think our practice of integrating different
types of disparate data in our analyses (such as quantitative and qualitative)
helps to provide context, color, and depth to our studies. For example, in
evaluation studies, the subjective findings from a set of key informant
interviews with patients or providers can add a lot toward understanding the
meaning behind objective findings from statistical analyses of claims data.”
Augmenting data-driven engagements with information from survey data helps to
bring readers along on an interesting journey. Dobson | DaVanzo often
publishes public policy studies in peer-reviewed journals.
For her, all the studies and analyses are the company’s
pride and joy, especially when others appreciate their complexity and nuance.
She concludes by saying, “I want us to always be involved in cutting edge and
meaningful analytic work that make a difference for people..”