Invisible Disabilities: Women in the Workforce
Beyond’s 10 Most Inspiring Women of Influence in 2020

Research was performed during the fall of 2017 by Jes
Osrow, an HR professional with a focus on Diversity and Inclusion. She is
an expert in coaching, mentoring and tech recruitment and has worked her entire
career with two Invisible Disabilities (ID): depression and anxiety.
The goal is to expand the pool of input from professional
women who are forging forward with their successful, albeit challenged, careers
while managing their IDs. The primary step for individuals is to self-identify
their ID (though most will not have used this term and many may not have yet
seen themselves as part of this group).
Invisible Disabilities: What Does the Research
Tell Us?
Invisible Disabilities have been explored by researchers on
a limited basis with literature reviews in psychology, medicine, education,
business and other areas revealing scarce study and insight. Matthews &
Harrington (2000) defined IDs as. “…both mental and physical
conditions that are not immediately noticeable by an observer…” (p.
405). Regarding IDs in the workplace, as recently as 2014, Santuzzi, Waltz,
Finkelstein & Rupp noted that, “Workers with IDs encounter
unique challenges compared to [all] workers…and even workers with visible
disabilities.” (Abstract)
Educational institutions have been most active in supporting
students with disabilities in an effort to enhance success in various settings.
Still, IDs are rarely mentioned and akin to many learning disabilities, remain
the responsibility of the afflicted person. They are challenged to communicate
with staff in environments like Disability Offices in higher education or to
the workplace HR. According to the CDC “In 2014 [it was] found that
27.4% of women ages 18–64 identified with a disability in some form (compared
to 20.8% of men in the same age range).” While the rest of
society has visible cues to indicate (some) disabilities, there is a large
faction (sometimes estimated as high as 74% of all disabilities) that are
unseen. These IDs are a compelling subject that necessitates study. Limited
research, or even professional conversation about IDs, suggests possible
challenges in awareness of their existence, understanding of the demographics
and implications for both the workforce and workplace.
Invisible Disabilities Today
One industry struggling publicly with issues of D&I is
the tech industry. In 2017, Jes Osrow submitted a proposal to speak about
preliminary research on IDs at the Anita Borg Institute Grace Hopper
Conference (the pre-eminent conference for women in tech). While the
anonymous reviewers of the proposal had positive comments, their main
constructive feedback was:
“Before reading this submission, I was not familiar
with the term ID and would guess other attendees would also need more insight
into what it is and more details on the mental illnesses that might be
considered IDs.”
A complete lack of awareness and understanding of the term
“ID” indicates challenges present among reviewers (highly placed and
experienced women in tech) in understanding the definition, reach and workplace
implications of women in the tech industry. These comments reveals a glaring
need to expand the conversation and the need for current research into this
topic. The research conducted focused on women in business but is not solely
applicable to the industry; working women in all industries are affected by the
challenges of IDs.
Invisible Disabilities & Working Women: Qualitative
Research 2017
Challenged by her own IDs, Jes Osrow began with the goal of
more clearly defining the issue of IDs among working women. She created and
administered a survey reviewed by experts in education and market research
fields. The survey was then distributed through a network of professional women
via networks like Dreamers & Doers, Tech Ladies, WIT PDX, and other
communities. It quickly became clear there were gaps in understanding about the
breadth and depth of IDs among women previously or currently in the workplace.
The goal was to collect data on 100 participants.
The response was swift and overwhelming with 102
comprehensive survey submissions within five weeks. The survey collected data
on the demographic areas of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, industry
with commentary about their IDs and work situations. The authors intend to
publish the findings and data collected in multiple articles to help move the
conversation forward and implement change.
Invisible Disabilities among Working Women: Demographics
Data from the 102 respondents the average age is 35 years
old within the range 18–53 years. All women were working either full or
part-time and many were entrepreneurs. Data indicated seven clear career areas
with positions in technology being noted as the predominant industry represented.
Most respondents noted they were working with one or more
health care providers for both diagnosis and intervention regarding their ID.
Some also noted self-diagnosis, treatment and ongoing self-management. Despite
self-awareness of IDs, the main area of concern responsibility in terms of
disclosure with employers and coworkers. Thoughts were shared around stigma,
shame, and possible changes in work expectations and trajectory. These matters
echoed previous research (2014, Santuzzi, Waltz, Finkelstein & Rupp) noting
that, “…current legislation and policies might not be sensitive to the
unique experiences and disclosure decisions faced by workers with IDs”(Abstract).
The article is
originally written by Jes Osrow, Casey Sweet, and Pamela Smith EDD, LD, RD
on and is republished with the author’s permission.