Feriani Chung: An Energized Marketing Leader Making an Impact in Indonesia’s Beauty Industry
The 10 Most Influential Marketing Leaders to Watch in 2022

For Feriani Chung, Chief Marketing Officer at Zulu Alpha
Papa (ZAP), the benchmark of successful leadership is when she raises and
develops another leader, or inspires others to be a better version of
Feriani went from being a marketing executive in the Hotel
and F&B industry to the Chief Marketing Officer of ZAP Clinic, the pioneer
of hair removal treatment using laser technology in Indonesia.
Developing a passion
for marketing at an early age
Feriani recalls falling in love with the marketing industry
from the time she was still in high school. “I started reading books about
marketing, and I had always admired the marketing and promotions activities by
brands I knew of,” she says.
One of Feriani’s favorite examples of brand promotions was
the ‘I LOVE MONDAY’ program in the 90s, held by the Hard Rock Café Jakarta.
Back then, it was common for almost every café in Jakarta, to not have their
place filled with customers on a Monday.
Nobody visited a café on Mondays, but Feriani notes that the
Hard Rock Café created a stand-out marketing gimmick by having live music and
promotions for their menu, every Monday.
“It was such a brave action, and became quite a success,”
observes Feriani. “In fact, it became a legendary program at Hard Rock. I was
very inspired by how one marketing strategy could change so many things, even
ideas that were once considered as impossible.”
Building strong
marketing skills in the beauty industry
Prior to joining ZAP, Feriani worked for three years in
Bali, one of the world’s most popular holiday destinations, where she learned
about many different cultural heritages. Being in the beauty industry was
something that had never really crossed her mind.
But, as someone who admires and loves the service industry,
with several years of experience in Hotel and F&B marketing under her belt,
she did not find it difficult to adapt. “Since I love the service industry, I
found no difficulty to adapt, and successfully made this a strong plus point
for my career portfolio,” she notes.
Feriani joined ZAP in 2015, as the first staff member with
an hotelier background, helping the company focus on hospitality and excellent
service, instead of only on high quality products.
ZAP started with only one outlet in 2009, at a garage
founded by Fadly Sahab, the CEO of ZAP. In 2014, to sustain the business, ZAP
Clinic transformed into a beauty clinic focusing on laser-based treatment, and
has successfully become the biggest of its kind in Indonesia, with over 50
outlets in 17 big cities all across Indonesia.
Today, ZAP has several brands, such as ZAP Clinic,
specializing in hair removal and photo facials, targeting the Gen Z market; ZAP
Premiere, the premium version of the treatment targeting the upper middle
class, treatment handled by Dermatologist also with Advance Technology;
MEN/O/LOGY, a one stop grooming solution and barbershop, and also the first
men’s grooming clinic in Indonesia, that provides a variety of treatments
designed for the modern man.
“I managed to grow into a strong marketing person and focus
on an emotional marketing strategy prioritizing a whole experience, similar to
those used in the hospitality industry,” notes Feriani.
She lists a number of prestigious awards in the field of
marketing that ZAP has received, such as:
Top Brand Award 2016 – 2021: Hair Removal
Superbrands Indonesia 2019: Hair Removal Clinic
Marketing Award 2018: Best Market Driving
Social Media Award 2018: Great Performing Brand
in Social Media
OMNI Brand Award of The Year 2019: For the
Beauty Clinic
Editor Choice Award Marketers 2019: The Best
Digital Campaign for the Gen Z Invasion program
IDSMED Advertisement Best Brand Impact : Pro
Marketers: Gen Z Top of Mind Brand
Female Daily : Best Clinic & Best of Beauty
Awards 2021
Marketer’s Youth Choice Award 2022 :Bronze
“I personally learned that a marketing strategy has no
limit, and as long as it brings about a positive impact, it is worth trying. At
ZAP, we don’t limit our creativity, especially in how we introduce our unique
variety of treatments,” states Feriani.
Her future goal for the brand is to turn ZAP into one of the
most significant leaders in the beauty industry in Indonesia, and even Asia.
She also aims to make the ZAP Clinic a personal experience and a part of the
lifestyle for everyone in Indonesia, providing high quality products and
treatments, with effective and safe procedures that have long lasting benefits.
Leading with the
eight core values of ZAP
ZAP ensures that each team member is aware of how significant
their contribution is to the company, and that it’s important for them to
respect and value each other.
Feriani lists the eight core values at ZAP, that have become
a guiding force in running their daily operations, as well as a guideline to
help them find potential candidates as future team members. These eight
cultures are:
Make others happy
Show that you care
Build a fun atmosphere
Promote open & honest communication with a
family spirit
Do the best we can
Do the right things
Be accountable
Think long term
“These eight cultures project how integrity can be built for
each team member within the company,” notes Feriani.
Learning to cope
with workplace challenges
Feriani recalls that, as she began her career path right at
the very bottom, it gave her a preview and experience of the ups and downs and
the highs and lows of professional life, way before her team even started their
“I have seen the difference between good and bad leadership,
which helps me in leading my own team. I decided to focus on passing down to my
team, only the good experiences that I got from my former leaders, so that they
did not have to experience all the bad things that I went through in the past,”
she notes.
Feriani believes that challenges are like a puzzle that needs
to be solved; a game where, once you finish one level, you enter the higher
levels with extra skills, greater endurance, and a broader perspective.
“A challenge is like a puzzle that needs to be solved.”
She recalls that one of the challenges she faced in the
workplace was allowing her emotions to get the better of her, which affected
her career journey at one point.
“I was too focused on my emotions, instead of thinking about
solutions. Gratefully, since then, I have learned to manage and differentiate
my personal from my professional life. I learned that any challenge I come
across in the professional arena would only be a part of what I do, not who I
am,” Feriani reflects.
Inspiring others
within & outside the workplace
As an energized and inspiring leader, Feriani is responsible
for ZAP’s entire marketing strategy, and also for ensuring that the sales
division reaches their targets.
“Other than that, I’m also responsible for monitoring our
CRM activity. Since ZAP has a strong presence on social media, I also need to
monitor our growth in the digital area, from time to time, all the way to
monitoring the conversions we have gained from that channel,” she says.
Feriani does not limit her personal definition of success
only to achievements within the office, or within her professional life.
“Success goes beyond that. It’s more about being the same excellent person both
within the office, and outside the office area,” she states.
Feriani also considers it a success when she inspires others
to be a better person, having seen and experienced her values and principles;
and narrates two of her most remarkable success stories.
The first occurred when she decided to help her ex-driver
find an opportunity and gain better skills, which led to him leading a division
in a legal company.
“The benchmark of successful leadership is when I raised and developed
another leader.”
The second one was in 2019, when she received the Best
Champion Marketing Award in the beauty industry, although she did not originally
come from the beauty sector. The award ceremony was held by one of the most
recognizable marketing organizations in the country.
Dare to change,
quick to change
Given the changing landscape of any marketing strategy,
which Feriani believes is expected and absolutely needed, she notes that each
player in the industry must keep sharpening their skills and adapt to those
Her personal goal is to contribute more actively in the
marketing industry, by continuing to share her experience with the younger
generation, so they are inspired, and dream bigger and further; and in helping
to motivate them in reaching their career goals and becoming a future leader.
“Dare to change, quick to change. As a business leader,
having the right intuition is good, but don’t forget to always support that
intuition with data, especially when making a marketing and strategic
decision,” she advises.
“Dare to change, quick to change.”
Feriani maintains balance in her life by keeping her
personal and professional lives separate, and building full awareness of each
role that she needs to fulfill in those two areas. “I have to be very
disciplined not to let one area affect the other,” she says.
She also believes in keeping a positive perspective, seeing
everything from a positive angle, while at the same time building a fun
environment for her team, so they’re consistently motivated in bringing their
best for their company, which at the end of the day, will benefit them.
Her advice to aspiring leaders is to be the leader who is not
only great at running their business, but running their daily life, making
others successful, and creating a positive impact, especially on their own
“Be the leader who is not only great at running their business, but
also running their daily life, making others successful and creating a positive