Dani Kimlinger – A Healthcare Executive Passionate About People, Mental and Physical Well-Being, And Psychology
Top 10 Most Inspiring CEOs to Watch Out For in 2023

Each leader has a unique definition of
success. Dani Kimlinger, CEO of MINES and Associates defines success as having an impact on
others. She says, “As a leader, a successful day is when I can support and
serve my employees, partners, and those in my professional and personal
communities. Success is removing barriers for them, finding resources, and
empowering them.” Through MINES as a system, success occurs when they have an
impact on their individual and organizational clients and communities.
The Foundation of MINES And
Dani has always been passionate about helping people! As a firm,
MINES, too, has always been passionate about helping people. The foundation of
MINES was built on their founder’s upbringing by a pharmacist and nurse
in a rural area of Nebraska that had very little medical care and no mental
health or substance abuse care. “Growing up with relatives and friends who
needed help and did not receive any left a lasting impression,” states Dani. As their
founder, Dr. Robert Mines went through college and discovered his love for
psychology, it evolved into a dream to provide mental health and substance use
disorder services. The firm was started in 1981 with the following vision
and mission: The vision of MINES is to make a positive contribution to their
fellow human beings and the planet through service and education. MINES
believes that each act they perform is done mindfully and with great
Challenges Make You Stronger
When faced with challenges or adversity, it
can be hard to imagine that we will no doubt grow through the experience and
become stronger. “When I was an early careerist, I saw my colleague host an emotional
resilience program for palliative care physicians. I embraced what I saw in the
resilience program and when I am in a stressful situation, I tap into those
resiliency tools,” Dani says.
Adversities come in day-to-day challenges
and up to seemingly serious showstoppers. There are interpersonal roadblocks
that can get in her way as a leader, for instance, although professionally
as an organizational development practitioner, her area of specialty was in conflict, personally,
she absolutely detests conflict. “As a leader, I struggle when I need to have a constructive
confrontation with a service partner, an employee, or a colleague. The stress
of needing to have these interactions can lead to me not having them at all and
inadvertently allowing problematic behavior or significant physiological and
psychological stress. I use those resilience tools,” she explains.
Dani shared that one of the most
significant adversities that she has overcome personally is difficulties in
her childhood. Poverty and other challenging family situations were present.
They had moments of deciding whether food, electricity or her dad getting to
work was most important Resources were scarce. She had family members who
struggled with untreated mental illness and substance use. “My experiences
growing up forged my desire to help others and passion for being in a role
where they can be impacted,” she says.
MINES & Associates and Its Services
MINES celebrated its 41st anniversary
in January 2022. They are privately held. They provide health psychology and
organizational psychology
services. Their health psychology services include
award-winning employee assistance programs, managed behavioral healthcare and
PPO network services, critical incident stress debriefing services, police
psychology, and on-site and virtual behavioral health clinic services. Their
organizational psychology services include organizational assessments, human
resource investigations, coaching, training programs, and conflict resolutions.
Dani’s vision for MINES is that through
MINES’ team, their commitment to everyone that they serve, their
expertise, their service, they will impact mental health and organizational
psychology globally. They vow to continue to grow and evolve as a firm. They push
each other to be the best that they can be as people and as professionals. She
states that MINES will continue to be a workplace of choice because of its
work, culture, people, and impact.
“We are growing our network in the
diversity of providers’ backgrounds, areas of expertise, and culturally
relevant and affirming training. We believe that our services are best to meet
a client where they are, and this includes expanding access points. MINES is
expanding our integration of all organizational workplace and community
programming to make mental health and wellbeing services integral and
evidence-based,” says Dani.
Dani’s Life Before MINES and Proud Moments
as A Leader
Her life before MINES consisted of growing
up in Evergreen, CO, and attending the University of Colorado at Denver. In
college, she was involved in honor societies and volunteered with local
non-profits. She worked four part-time jobs while in college including
positions at a daycare, fitness center, administrative support for a psychiatrist, and
assisting with corporate events. Upon graduation, she decided to take one year
off to determine her next steps. She worked at MINES in their intake center and
accepted an overnight position at a homeless youth shelter. She grew
academically and professionally at MINES. She graduated with my master’s degree
and Ph.D. while at MINES and moved into several different positions along the
way, going through an executive leadership program, and accepting the CEO role in 2016 for
appointment in January 2017.
greatest achievement as a leader has been building and retaining her team. So
many leaders say that they have the best team, but they literally do! Her
team not only holds strong and diverse expertise, are committed to the clients
they serve but they are also committed to supporting each other. There are a
lot of venture capitalists interested in investing in mental health right now
and they are offered investment money at least weekly. They have not accepted
any venture capitalist money to date. In 41 years, they have grown through
their team’s service and
expertise. The culture that the team has built and keeps going is what Dani
claims to be most proud of. “The credit truly goes to our staff, and I
hope that I support their initiatives through resources, removing barriers, and
advocating for them. Team MINES has saved many lives literally and contributed
to other’s healing, quality of life, growth, and success as individuals,
families, and communities,” she says.
Her personal goals as a leader are:
– Where is she a bottleneck for MINES’ operations
and/or growth? What can she do to relieve those bottlenecks?
– She wants to work on being a better leader and continues to request
feedback from her team and colleagues. Some areas that she is aware of that she
can improve include communication about strategies and new services internally.
She also claims to be aware that her constructive confrontation skills could
– Scalability. This is an area that she is focusing on learning more
about as they are growing quickly, and she does not want them to experience
growing pains that will hurt the team or services.
Responsibilities As CEO
Dani, who describes herself as a
‘warmhearted’ person, says that her responsibilities as a CEO start with
culture! Without your people and strong culture, she feels that
there is no chance.
Serving, supporting, and building her teammates
and their culture, connecting with her colleagues at all levels of the
organization is an important role. Ensuring that the vision and mission are
being lived through MINES. Dani also drives social responsibility, strategy,
profitability, organizational structure, engages in business development, and
thought leadership.
Day-to-day, Dani is focused internally and
externally. “I spend about 65 percent of my time externally focused each week.
I am looking at opportunities in the market, engaging in thought leadership
activities such as speaking at conferences and events, writing, meeting with
key stakeholders, community leaders, and building relationships. I spend the
other 35 percent of my week focusing inward connecting with my direct reports
every week, connecting with my greater MINES team, participating in internal
meetings, facilitating the integration of the external with the internal,
participating in culture committee meetings, consulting on HR activities and I
do so consult as a staff member with our clients for a few hours each week,”
she explains.
Maintaining Balance
in Personal and Professional Life
One year into becoming a CEO, Dani realized
that her life was unbalanced, and it was taking a toll on her health and
well-being and no doubt was going to affect her team and MINES. She now
prioritizes practicing self-care and balance in her personal and professional
life. “My balance includes setting boundaries around work time, although I do
work after hours, I set those hours and make sure that I have time to fill my
well-being cup. I fill my cup by spending time with family and friends and
engaging in activities that are meaningful to me. Some activities that keep me
balanced include running and being part of the Runners Roost Race Team, my
pets, journaling, reading, self-learning, weight training, being outdoors
hiking, climbing, and snowboarding,” she says.
Dani travels a lot for work and keeping
consistency and balance is key. Surrounding herself with accountability
partners helps keep her accountable. She says that she is motivated for them to
continue to make a difference in as many lives as possible. The more they grow
the depth and breadth of their services, the greater impact we have! Being
authentic and open motivates her to be a better person, colleague, and leader.
“I appreciate when my colleagues give me the gift of feedback, it allows me to
be introspective and grow,” Dani exclaims.