Charging your car with cheap, green electricity

Within the next ten years the UK will be home to over a million electric vehicles, and slowly, the world’s getting ready for that. It’ll mean beefing up the charging infrastructure massively, more affordable EV models, speedier charging, more government incentives to go electric, and a watertight strategy to ensure the grid can cope with the high energy demands of an electrified transport network.
We (and our sister company Octopus Energy) are starting things off in energy with a few industry-leading smart tariffs, especially designed so drivers like you can charge up cheap on abundant green energy.
Octopus Energy Go
Charge cheap at 5p / kWh for four hours every night
Pair with a Zappi smart charger so your car automatically charges when the night rate kicks in
100% renewable electricity
Find out more about Octopus Go or get in touch with us to join now for cheap, green charging.
This tariff offers a bonkers cheap 5p / kWh rate for four hours every night (between 12.30 and 4.30am), meaning you can fully charge up while you’re asleep, and keep your fuel costs around 1p per mile.
What are my “peak” daytime prices and standing charge?
Octopus Go’s “peak” rate (the 20 hours around 4.30am and 12.30am) varies a little depending on where you are in the UK, but hovers around the 14p / kWh mark. Get a quote based on your postcode here — just search for Go in our list of current tariffs once you’ve entered your details.
Go Charging
Octopus Electric Vehicles partners with charging experts Myenergi, meaning Go integrates with the EV favourite Zappi smart charger. Plug your car in before bed, and your Zappi will only start to charge when the cheap 5p price kicks in.
Interested in a Zappi? The Octopus EV team can sort you out. Head to their site for more information, or to get in touch with their team, email
Go is an exclusive for Octopus Energy customers. If you want to get going, you’ll need to:
Sign up to Octopus on an interim tariff (all of ours offer great prices). Get a quote here.
Have a Secure™ smart meter we can take half-hourly readings from
We’ve temporarily paused smart meter bookings while we prepare for our SMETS2 roll out, but they should be back up and running again soon.
Agile Octopus
Your electricity prices change every half an hour based on wholesale energy prices, typically giving you access to super-cheap energy overnight and any time there’s high generation + low demand
Get the next day’s energy prices via text every day at 4pm, so you can plan ahead
Pair Agile with free app integrations and smart home tech, so you can use the cheapest, greenest energy without even thinking about it
100% renewable — and helping move us towards a low carbon future
Learn more about Agile Octopus, or read our Agile report for results from early customers
How does it work?
Agile’s cutting-edge pricing is a first look at how we can reduce strain on the UK grid by helping customers use energy out of peak demand times each day.
Crucially, it encourages customers to use power when there’s plenty of renewable energy being produced that might otherwise go to waste. This tariff will save you money, but it’s designed for people who are able to move their energy usage out of 4pm-7pm, when energy prices go high.
Wholesale energy is priced in half-hourly blocks. On Agile, your unit price changes every half an hour based on the wholesale price we buy it for. At 4pm every day, we’ll text you the next day’s half-hourly prices, so you can plan ahead and charge during the cheapest times.
Agile is exclusive for Octopus Energy customers. If you want to get on the forefront of smart energy, you’ll need to:
Sign up to Octopus on an interim tariff (all of ours offer great prices). Get a quote here.
Have a Secure™ smart meter we can take half-hourly readings from.
We’ve temporarily paused smart meter bookings while we prepare for our SMETS2 roll out, but they should be back up and running again soon.
We see a future of clean energy supported by great technology. It goes without saying therefore, that we totally see EVs as the future of mobility. We’re constantly looking to innovate to provide the best solutions of electric vehicle drivers; be that tariffs, chargers, or vehicles. If you think there’s something else we could do, or something we’re missing, please drop us a line at
Source: Octopus Electric Vehicles