Alicia Carroll: Award Winning Technologist Improving Overall Well-being of Others
The 10 Most Influential Women in Tech, 2021 Vol II

Alicia Carroll is an American engineer, technologist and
founder of Tech Innovation Global, incorporated a company founded for community
initiatives, COVID-19 analysis; mandatory mask recommendations and the
environments’ biodiversity to connect science to earth and overall well-being.
She is one of the most influential and inspiring people to break barriers; a
certified Small Business owner/Minority Business for community service,
improvements, charity and overall well-being; performed integrated supply
capabilities and data analysis reviews during COVID-19 to lift the veil.
Reviewing and researching the best practices across
the world
Alicia is an award-winning technologist of 18 years located
in Alabama. Her company, Tech Innovation Global Incorporated collaborates with
organizations and teams to flatten the curve by advocating to; Wear a Mask when
you cannot remain 6 feet apart; Watch your distance; Wash your hands; and test.
Alicia says that social distancing, face masks and eye protection all appear to
reduce the spread of COVID-19, in both health care settings and the general
Led by Alicia, Tech Innovation
Global Incorporated® is local to global. Alicia’s main goal, including
Tech Innovation, is to review and research the best practices across the world
and Tech Innovation Global has looked at the best practices and provided those
best practices to many of the teams in America. Therefore, Alicia says, “as we
look at the best practices, we know that practicing the three W’s is very, very
essential and important. That is where everyone can help to implement those
practices. Then we also provide data reviews to individuals as well. The three
W’s are “wear a mask, watch your distance, and that means to maintain at least
six feet distance between yourself and another individual, and wash your hands
for at least twenty seconds.”
A quadrant leader in the industry that has knowledge,
skill and products
Tech Innovation Global Incorporated serves many
organizations, and companies in the marketplace including NGOs, the BBB,
private industry, nonprofits, commercial and green purchasing to green
solutions to benefit humanity and the environment. According to Alicia, a culture
of integrity and innovation at Tech Innovation Global is ensured by percentage
breakdown in innovation, for example, 35% Product development, Sales Marketing
25%, Finance 15%, Talent training 10%, IT 8% and Customer Quality Assurance 7%.
“We are a quadrant leader in industry and have knowledge, skill, established
products and accordance to the FAR and culture of sustainability by design. You
acquire the knowledge/skill/experience in various ways (on-the-job learning,
coaching, action learning, training, reading, etc.),” says Alicia.
Since the foundation of Tech Innovation Global, Alicia says,
she has learned a lesson or two which include market research for best
performance as work is performed to define requirements as well as allows for
effective performance and management with a goal to meet performance standards
and requirements to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Alicia says, as principal
investigator (PI), organization or team, you should not gear to specific
offerors who have bad past performance or do not meet exceptional standards
with expertise, quality of work and experience in market research, health and
corporate planning. She advises to use multiple communication channels to track
progress more closely until the person’s performance improves. The Department
of Defense has a procedural (i.e., evaluations) process to achieve additional
safety and goals.
Connecting science to earth and supports companies and
industry in business
Alicia’s vision is to maximize opportunities for various
socioeconomic regions and industries to improve the environment, products to
marketplace, new technology and create successful communities. Tech Innovation
Global Incorporated works with companies to connect science to earth and
supports companies and industry in business, green purchasing, green solution
to provide environmental solutions to COVID-19 and assessments to benefit
humanity and the environment. “You can collaborate with one of the “World’s
First True Commercial Fresh and Salt Water Aquaponics” in Enviroculture™ and
new technology, products to marketplace in private industry on various
socioeconomic sectors, portals and platforms local to global for NGOs, the BBB
industry, commercial and security WINTRIO DEVSecs Ops IT,” she says.
Performing a lot of COVID activity and reaching out to
While Alicia is driving the change from the forefront, Tech
Innovation Global has been performing COVID analysis since February and
provided a detailed analysis on re-opening in the May/June timeframe. Tech
Innovation Global Inc. also provided integrated logistics supply capability to
many teams to determine what supplies and items were available in America.
Tech Innovation Global also reached out to about three
thousand companies, many of the Fortune 500 companies, and encouraged them to order
facemasks in their facilities. Therefore, Tech Innovation Global Inc has been
performing a lot of COVID activity and reaching out to industry. Tech
Innovation Global is collaborating with telehealth COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)
screening services to provide additional safety during the flu season.
Trained by exceptional leaders and required to
complete examinations
Alicia’s career started in the Department of Defense
performing calibrations in support of Integrated Flight Tests 6 to 9 in
Huntsville Alabama and New Mexico to Kwajalein Islands. Great achievements and
exemplary work continued as she distinguished herself and others also who
provided outstanding leadership and demonstrated proven capabilities and
techniques to improve various technologies. From patents to inventions to
economic growth in many regions, Alicia was trained by exceptional leaders and
required to complete examinations and exceptionally perform.
Later, she became one of the most influential and inspiring people
to break barriers; a certified Small Business owner/Minority Business for
community service, improvements, charity and overall well-being; performed
integrated supply capabilities and independent data analysis reviews during
COVID-19 to lift the veil. Today, Alicia Carroll is a certified officer and
award-winning technologist.
Improving daily life with technology
Before COVID 2001, Alicia worked on data analysis and also
in large to small projects regarding logistics supply capabilities as well.
Therefore, like now, “we are also offering registered RDNs which are providing
services for COVID-19 and post COVID-19. They are called “Real Healthy Habits.”
We are encouraging individuals to take on collaborative healthy habits, whether
or not if it is in nutrition or mental health. Certified funds are also
available through a company called RGK, and that is an NGO type of operation,”
she says.
From the UK, India to global, Alicia has major roles and
responsibilities to ensure COVID-19 health literacy and core values of the
company are people, improving daily life with technology, and providing
exceptional service as a verified vendor and certified WOSB in technology,
health and planning.
She advises aspiring business minds to reduce or eliminate
barriers that impede high trust levels. She says, “expectations and demonstrate
consistently and integrity. Look at rapport but measure what has been
demonstrated. First world countries exhibit high GDP, equitable housing,
manufacturing, trade; freedom to travel and without this a country cannot
sustain economic prosperity for growth and to maximize opportunities.
Essentials include the scope of responsibility, esteem, involvement, share and
support other goals. Historical organizations and businesses have the
expertise, knowledge and skill can connect science to Earth, products to the
marketplace and environmental where several companies many are already making
improvements as COVID-19 continues; and post COVID-19.”
Going ahead, Tech Innovation Global Inc is looking forward
to three different missions. “One is working with communities and developmental
workforce activities, two, providing post-COVID assistance and three, working
with different social economic industries to form data analysis, science and
environmental research,” concludes Alicia.