Alex Klein & Raj Umayavan: A Duo Creating the Best Functional Training Apparatus on the Market
The 10 Hottest Brands to Watch out in 2021

Rotators Shield is a versatile, cutting-edge and revolutionary piece of
exercise equipment. Specifically designed to provide a full body workout, this
all-in-one multi-action device that challenges every level of fitness. An
efficient and dynamic tool, the Rotators Shield can be used for a
full-body workout as well as to help rehabilitate the ‘rotators cuff’
muscles. It’s the best functional training apparatus on the market to offer
both sports conditioning and physiotherapy. Personal trainer Alex Klein
partnered with lawyer and entrepreneur Raj Umayavan Yadhunanthanan to create
the Rotators Shield. In an exclusive interview with Beyond Exclamation, the
co-founders talk about the beginning, the journey and the vision of the
What inspired the inception of The
Rotators Shield?
I was a personal trainer with a range of
clients, starting to notice common shoulder problems throughout the gyms I
worked within, I set out to create a rotators cuff device that anyone could use
to strengthen their shoulder movements without having to use any old methods,
because if they worked I wouldn’t have needed to design anything. After
consulting Raj about my idea, we decided to join to make the perfect
partnership, with my fitness and business skills and Raj being a lawyer and
What were the initial challenges that
the company faced and how did you overcome them?
We faced many challenges with RS, the first
hurdle was the fact that my design would not physically work, I had envisioned
2 separate wheels that would connect at the centre, as the user turned one
wheel, the other would turn against them acting as resistance, but to make this
and to be handheld was actually making things more difficult than they needed
to be.
Raj and I spent countless hours back and
forth with designers to create a product that not only has the effectiveness I
wanted, but so much more.
Another challenge we faced was the busy
schedules we both had, creating a new business whilst already building careers
is not easy by any means, however we made it work as the belief for the product
is unstoppable.
Tell us more about rotators shield.
The Rotators Shield
(RS) is a new, smart way to address the fitness and rehabilitation needs within
the fitness and gym environment. Our patented design, with advanced
customisable resistance, provides a well needed solution for muscle groups
neglected when training, along with the ability to exercise the full skeletal
The RS changes the way
one would hold a traditional plate. Instead of gripping the outside rim, with
no customisations, the RS encourages a central placement of your wrists. This
is due to the way the handles are placed equidistant to each other, as well as
their placement at the centre of the RS. This creates a heavier feel with the
same weight, due to the gravitational pull on the outer wrist making the
exercise more isolated.
The RS allows the user
to place customisable weights to the outside of the shield. The RS provides
varied levels of resistance and workouts depending on where the weights are
fitted around the circumference. Using configurations of 1kg and 2kg supplied
weight, we can add 3kg on the right side and nothing on the other. The result
being an unbalanced wheel. This is great for providing a customised resistance
for each side and also very helpful with rehabilitation needs and exercises.
The RS takes
rehabilitation to a level where no fitness product has been. The RS has
testimonials from esteemed members of the medical industry on its ability to
rehabilitate the Rotators Cuff muscles. Athletes, everyday gym goers and
individuals who engage themselves in any form of manual labour are at a risk of
developing Rotators Cuff injuries. Currently, the solution for anyone suffering
from Rotators Cuff injuries is either pills or injections, combined with
physiotherapy. Not only is this solution a temporary fix for an existing problem,
but it is also uncomfortable for the user and relatively expensive. Providing
the Rotators Cuff is not torn, in which case surgery may be needed, the RS has
been proven to help rehabilitate the Rotators Cuff back to its original form,
from a benign state of injury. The RS has been tested by a multitude of
experienced medical professionals in order to certify its claims.
The RS ranges from a
minimum weight of 5kg up to a max of 25kg. The RS uses a gravitational pull
system, so a 5kg plate will feel much lighter than a 5kg RS. This is in order
to use each Kg to its absolute potential. It is suitable for a full range of
users strengths and abilities, from professional to amateur, with an emphasis
on correcting distinct imbalances as users meet their fitness goals.
Give us a brief of the exceptional
services of the company?
. All boxes are branded with RS branding
. RS has been rigorously tested
. We are helpful with design and figuring
how many RS a gym will need
.A service we pride ourselves on is that we
always reply, email or call us and we will answer, when RS started, we emailed
and called many fitness studios to get some feedback, to which over half did
not reply, we both want to give the customer or anyone the knowledge that we
respond and take all enquiries seriously.
. We also provide free weight covers for
the commercial version if any should break, however they are very strong!
What are the unique features of the
company that sets you apart from competitors?
At Rotators Shield we didn’t just want to
make a fitness product, we wanted to start a revolution within the fitness
industry. We started the journey with the vision of helping people with minor
Injuries, this led us to the medical industry, where we became the first
commercial fitness product to be rigorously tested and certified by medical
professionals. We have testimonials from various specialists in their
respective field, which we feel no competitor currently possess.
The Rotators Shield is a bold, innovative
product. Rotators Shield is a truly dynamic apparatus due to the way it can be
customised. Individual 1kg and 2kg can be added to 10
compartments spaced around the Rotators Shield’s circumference. This provides
different levels of resistance and workouts depending on where on the apparatus
weights are spaced and fitted. Rehabilitation for specific injuries and muscle
weaknesses can be targeted thanks to a multitude of weight and balance
combinations. The Rotators Shield ranges from a minimum weight of 5kg up to a
max weight of 25kg and is suitable for a full range of users strengths and
abilities, with an emphasis on correcting distinct imbalances as users meet
their fitness goals.
The Rotators Shield changes the way you
hold a traditional weighted plate. Instead of gripping the plate on it’s
outside rim with no additional configurations, the Rotators Shield has handles
that encourage a more centralised placement of your wrists. The Rotators Shield
can therefore dedicate customisable levels of weight to the outside of each
arm, using configurations of the 1kg or 2kg weights
supplied. For example, we can add 6kg on the right side of your grip, creating
an unbalanced force on one side – great for providing a customised resistance
for each arm.
Tell us about the vision of the
The Vision of RS is to be worldwide in
every gym space, we feel that this product would greatly serve the industry on
the gym floor. We want this product to help millions of people get fitter, and
prevent shoulder problems. Rotators Shield is currently accepting pre-orders.
The plan currently is to show gym owners
and fitness industry professionals how great the Rotators Shield really is! Using
our medical testimonials, and the extensive work put into Rotators Shield, by
the relevant doctors, we aim to enter the NHS as a medically certified product.
Of course this will take some time for us but we believe that we can help
people with rehabilitation and injury prevention, as currently there is no
product like ours on the market.
What are the significant changes that
you have observed in the fitness industry over the years and how has Rotators
Shield contributed to this change?
Keeping it current, we are going through an
extremely strange time right now with coronavirus, fitness centres all over the
world have had to close, and re-open with a more appropriate environment. We
know for many gyms this has proved hard as equipment has been required to be
separated such as spacing between cardiovascular equipment.
The RS can be of great use during these
times as it allows gym users to spread out, and only need one product to
complete the whole workout if need be. The RS allows for a much more socially
friendly environment whilst we are still fighting coronavirus globally.
As the Founders of The Rotators
Shield, what are your major roles and responsibilities? Also tell us what
inspires you to innovate?
Our major roles have been visiting gyms all
over the UK to spread awareness and gain feedback on the RS. We are constantly
working to improve design, all feedback matters from the gym goer to personal
trainers and gym owners.
We have been involved with every movement
within the development of the RS, from design to testing to manufacture, we
pride ourselves on always doing it ourselves, and if we can’t, we will get
involved anyway.
Our inspiration to innovate sparks from
Alex’s desire to create something he felt was necessary to the industry in which
he was working, a product to help not only his clients but anyone training to
get fitter or prevent injury. We feel the common gym is outdated and needs new
What are your goals for the next few
years and how does The Rotators Shield plan to extend its services globally?
Our main focus right now is to create a
smaller RS for home use, after much market research we found that a cheaper,
smaller device would be beneficial for those who do not belong to a gym and do
not get access to proper equipment. The smaller RS will also be great for
portable use with personal trainers and anyone wanting to get fit from their
We had planned to attend fitness events and shows however all were cancelled due to the corona virus! We are hoping 2021 is a better year for the world and we can really showcase the RS.