Treneice Collins: Empowering Organizations and Teams to Exceed Their Potential through Innovative DEI Strategies
The 10 Most Influential D&I Leaders, 2022

Workplace diversity is more important than ever before. With
a multigenerational workforce in full swing, applicants actively seek out organizations
that encourage them to be their true selves and appreciate diversity.
Today’s job candidates want diversity initiatives, and data
indicates that businesses still have work to do to meet those expectations. DEI
tactics are not one-size-fits-all. Leadership must demonstrate a genuine
commitment to change, not merely a fear of looking bad or other societal
imperatives. Diversity recruiting methods, like business, are continually
developing as cutting-edge organizations draw links between worker diversity
and job happiness, culture, community impact, innovation, and business
Historically, the emphasis on diversity and inclusion has
come in waves, particularly within the business world. There are moments in
history when D&I is considered a corporate essential, and other times when
it has lost its vigor and been placed on the ‘budgetary cut’ list. Treneice
Collins, Inclusion and Diversity Consultant at Korn Ferry, feels that the
present landscape has altered the workplace diversity and inclusion norm and
that D&I and its initiatives will become a permanent fixture within
businesses’ business models and sustainability goals.
Treneice is a published author with over 20 years of
experience directing teams in a variety of sectors. She creates and leads the
execution of a grassroots DEI strategy and full-cycle recruiting methods, as
well as the integration of best-in-class diversity, equality, and inclusion
Treneice, as a D&I leader, tries to help customers view
D&I as a long-term strategy that is free of the constant reactionary
responses to important cultural events. Instead, develop strategic methods that
are integrated into the organization’s concept. Korn Ferry excels at this for
its clients.
Attaining the Title of Influential D&I Leader
Early in her career, Treneice realized that she was
frequently the only woman, the only person of color, the youngest, and the only
one in the room. This was a pretty unsettling place to be. Especially, when she
observed others from underrepresented groups going through the same thing;
where they had to work twice as hard simply to be regarded as above average yet
were still undervalued and sometimes neglected. She asserts, “Individuals
within the diverse communities, whether we are identified by our ethnicity,
gender, as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, neurodiversity, etc. are
often the last to be considered or included in the conversation until after
major events have occurred – only then are we seen as a business
Treneice’s goal is to ensure that there is not only proper
representation but also a voice for members of the diverse communities to have
a voice within the organizations’ decision-making process.
Korn Ferry
Korn Ferry is a multinational organizational consulting
business that is driven by thought leadership and brings its customers’
objectives to life. The company began in a modest office in Century City, Los
Angeles, with one phone, one assistant, and a valuable contact list. But the
sign on the door told it all: Korn/Ferry International—a worldwide vision.
Korn Ferry had a solid sense of what was achievable from the
beginning. The Korn Ferry Institute is here to support you on your road to
greatness by delivering creative thought leadership, research, data, and
Korn Ferry Institute is an innovation hub dedicated to
shedding light on major trends and drivers of human and organizational
performance. Korn Ferry Solutions are developed and infused with rigorous
scientific research, cutting-edge intellectual property, and cutting-edge
analytics. Organizations and individuals all throughout the world have
benefited from the Korn Ferry Institute’s important research, ideas,
intellectual property, and data. It has generated ground-breaking insights into
all elements of work and is always innovating in order to have an effect on the
Approach for Sustainable DEI Practices
Treneice feels that her attitude towards diversity and
inclusion has contributed to her success. She believes that diversity,
fairness, and inclusion are more than just buzzwords or cultural fads that
should be used lightly to avoid social shame in businesses. Instead,
corporations should approach their workers with an intimate relationship and
show recognition. She has incorporated this into her strategy, how she
interacts with her clients, and how she inspires her team to assess and
implement long-term sustainable DEI processes.
Concentrating on Long-Term Opportunities
Treneice does not totally think that trials alone make us
stronger. Alternatively, she argues that unless the obstacles are considered as
a forerunner to someone’s development and as a tool to achieve a certain goal. These
issues might quickly turn into unneeded busy work. Throughout her career, she
has had significant setbacks that might have easily destroyed her professional
trajectory. While obstacles, her attitude has been to focus on the long-term
potential of these situations. She shares, “A life lesson that I
learned the hard way, is to never accept destructive feedback from
someone who has never had the mental capacity to provide constructive criticism
in the first place.”
The Success that Defines You
Treneice defines success in a very intimate way as she says,
“Success is when I’ve accomplished something that I alone could never
have accomplished.” This suggests that Treneice’s success is dependent
on her capacity to lead and motivate others around her. She feels that success
is inextricably linked to the legacy she wishes to leave behind. Having this
perspective helps her to make mistakes without experiencing the crushing pain
associated with making mistakes. This frees her thinking and understanding that
her success is never hampered by the errors or mistakes she has made, but
rather by her capacity to learn, adapt, and evolve, as well as the energy she
puts into letting people around her do the same.
While sharing the recognition she has received, Treneice
recalls, “I received from a colleague, that was based on some research
I had done and shared regarding the transgender community. They used
this as an opportunity to share and have meaningful conversations with their
family, their response was heartfelt and genuine. I was able to create a
ripple effect in their lives, and in this, I saw my impact!”
A Pragmatic Inclusion and Diversity Consultant
Treneice’s major position at Korn Ferry is to engage with
the firm’s customers about their D&I aspirational objectives and deliver
concrete solutions to help those goals become long-term sustainable D&I
plans. Her priority is to balance her personal and professional lives
throughout the day. She does this by accepting that her priorities will move
from personal to professional on occasion, and vice versa.
Treneice chooses to invest in the people around her these
days. She says, “I have found that the most powerful word that I can
say, is no. No forces someone to think outside the box, be more
creative, and stretch their thinking to achieve something they say they want to
accomplish.“ She further adds that her job is not to give all
the answers, but instead to create an innovative environment.
Planning to Create a Diverse Work Community
Treneice has a series of specific career goals that
she wishes to accomplish. She says, “At Korn Ferry, luckily, I work
with leaders who are true partners in my success.”
Her personal ambition as a corporate leader is to establish
an environment in which people of varied groups are not viewed as measurements
or data to be farmed into an organizational architecture. Rather, her objective
is to create intelligent procedures in which individuals from the varied
community are regularly recognized as valued contributors and decision-makers.
Treneice’s thoughts are continuously on sustainability and
how her activities affect the ideals of the next generation, since the future
generation is observing everything, we do today, and our actions will be the
foundations of the future that becomes their reality.