Sustainable And Green Buildings Are The Way Forward

In a rapidly growing
world economy, infrastructure development has become a key for a country’s
progress. Huge investments, large scale and mega projects, increasing need for
housing and establishments Sustainable have put the spot light on construction
Since the industrial
revolution, there is an increased importance given to building necessary
infrastructure across the countries to suit modern lifestyles.
A little history
into how this industry started tells us that the construction then was not the
one we see today. It has developed from stone age or primitive times where
people used tools such as axes, animal bones, stones, Sustainable and whatever was available during
those times. As humans started wandering less and settled down, building
permanent structures became all the more necessary. Pyramids in Egypt are some
of the first few glimpses of large scale structures. Slowly, growing population
urbanization and industrialization paved way for the current construction
industry which mostly depends on steel, bricks, cement, etc.
All was well until
studies came up with construction industry being one of the reasons for global
warming, environmental pollution, and increase in carbon foot print. Most of
these companies follow similar processes and materials that have put undue
pressure on our environment and which promotes environmental pollution.
Overtime, supply and demand has exponentially increased due to which millions
of trees are cut down every year depleting the natural resources like soil,
water, air quality, increases environmental pollution.
It is time
construction companies start thinking ecological and environment friendly
materials to be used to control environmental pollution that can be economical
as well. Since, housing industry is ever growing one can think of different
ways to minimize the use of steel, cement, bricks. Reusable materials can be
recycled and used at different levels of building a house. For example, wood
and bricks from a demolished structure can be accommodated. Use of available
natural materials like clay, Prothema bricks instead of traditional red bricks
and cement, paints made of natural colors, rainwater harvesting technology,
solar energy utilization, use of natural ventilation to avoid lighting during
the day, materials that can keep the building cool in summer and warm in winter
which reduces unnecessary usage of cooling and heating appliances and many
There is enough
scope for improvement in terms of architecture, design, cost, aesthetics as
these do matter when it comes to building a house for an individual without
spreading environmental pollution. They have to look into different aspects of
construction and analyze the areas which can be done be away with traditional
methods. Companies in construction sector need to keep in mind the damage
caused due to extensive use of unsustainable and non-renewable resources.
Electricity, water and waste management should be given importance when going
for construction of a building. The challenges of construction wastage can be
taken care if companies and people opt for green homes and buildings that use
natural materials. Making buildings energy efficient by using solar power, also
contributing to saving water by rain water harvesting and grey water management
goes a long way in making our future generations safe and sustainable.
Construction industry has a huge responsibility to remodel their thinking in
terms of reduce, recycle and reuse as much as possible and where ever it can be
done to control environmental pollution. They need to work on experimenting
with various techniques and building materials that can be locally sourced as
well and hence result in less environmental pollution. This way, transportation
costs decreases considerably and also provide livelihood to local people .New alternatives
can be created for a better life, closer to nature if these companies can come
up with projects that are aesthetically appealing while being eco-friendly,
flexible and economical. However, it is a collective effort by governments,
policy makers, construction sector and public to consciously make an effort to
reduce carbon foot print to control environmental pollution by adopting
sustainable, environment friendly, economical means of construction.
Governments can do their bit to subsidies and reward the companies that are
into building green structures and promote in a big scale to reduce
environmental pollution. This would help companies to become innovative and
creative in coming up with eco-friendly solutions. Policy makers should
introduce policies that mandate construction companies to adhere to certain
green standards. Set up a rating system to boost the performance of companies
that are into sustainable building ways would help new firms to think in terms
of greener buildings.
Real estate is one
sector that has a visible impact on economy as it is one of the most
unorganized sector after agriculture. Hence, it is not an exaggeration when
changes in construction sector happens, there is a possibility of going through
a transformation in many dependent fields.
Finally, we have one
Earth and that’s where our future generations are going to live if we strive to
make it a better place. Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk’s idea of
making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no
‘Planet B’ in this whole universe.