Nitin Kumar: High Impact Change, the Power of Influence
Beyond's 10 Most Influential Business Leaders to Watch Out in 2020

Technology has seen an exponential development over the last
few years and continues to rapidly scale each day. This accelerated change is a
result of the relentless efforts of many leaders who are passionate about
technology and love to innovate and transform the way business works. Appnomic is one such innovative software
company, that loves difficult business IT operations problems and solves them
with artificial intelligence. Established in Cupertino, CA, Appnomic is a
pioneer in preventive healing solutions.
It takes ardent technology enthusiasts and leadership to
create such high-value solutions that are unique and innovative, which led
Nitin Kumar, the CEO of Appnomic to follow his passion and influence a change
in the hi-tech industry. Nitin Kumar is recognized as a brand in himself and
has been the recipient of several global awards that have honored his
contribution in other fields too, such as business model innovation, business
transformation, product innovation and M&A. He has written numerous articles
on leadership, disruptive technologies, innovation and building global
professional ecosystems that are inspired from his own experiences and he
incorporates the same leadership skills in his role as the CEO of the company.
Beyond Exclamation is privileged to feature a few inspiring insights shared by
Nitin Kumar that highlight his idea of being an influential and successful
business leader.
Defining Influence from a Leader’s Perspective
Being influential is a gift that ignites a wave of
revolution. While each leader has their own definition of influence, Nitin has
derived his own version of it over the years. Trend influence, social media
influence and leadership influence are areas commonly comprehended by many.
However, for Nitin, being influential is above and beyond it all. It is about
bringing the right knowledge together, bringing the right people together,
creating wins together and watching out for the collective interest of
individuals or groups. Orchestrating professional networks and ecosystems gives
you influence to shape a vision, create win-win strategies and exchange
meaningful value with the ecosystem. Long story short, Nitin defines influence
as a byproduct of thoughts and actions which is all about being the connector
of people, knowledge, trends, opportunities and sharing them with the broader
community for collective benefit.
Nitin strongly believes that as a leader one needs to have a vision, should be able to connect people to that vision and influence is a vehicle or mechanism to do that. Firstly, there is some level of ingrained ability to influence in every business leader which is why they became a leader in the first place. Secondly, it is about honing that ability, fine-tuning it, and using it for the benefit of others, be it shareholders, employees, customers, partners, or others. In the modern business era, executives need to lead by influence not authority. Authority and influence are very conflicting styles, one must share and distribute for influence to grow, because asserting authority on too many people will just diminish it. To sum it up, a business leader is already influential in their own right – it is now a matter of adapting that influence into vision, action, and results.
Exploration is Vital in the Journey of Success
Gaining a plethora of experience in several fields
throughout his career, Nitin describes his professional journey as a mosaic of
experiences. With a background in strategy, operations, products, sales,
marketing, general management and M&A, the different roles that Nitin
played and the opportunities he got, created the runway to change business
models of companies within the Technology, Media and Telecommunication sectors.
He has been a serial intrapreneur/entrepreneur building large cybersecurity practices,
creating global operations at mega scale in Management Consulting, building two
start-ups and building smaller businesses from scratch inside large companies.
Nitin is considered one of the most well-connected global
executives because of his ability to connect with people, engage them through
intellectual stimulation, his strategic thought process and versatility of
experience. Owing it his phenomenal experience, Nitin says, “Success and
failure have taught me the importance of a professional network, constantly
learning, figuring out the next big thing and helping others.”
Unique Product from Appnomic Influencing Change
Appnomic is the provider
of the game-changing innovation HEAL, the first preventive healing tool for IT
operations, fixing IT operations problems before they happen. HEAL uses
unsupervised AI to learn how IT systems work under normal conditions and
creates a dynamic baseline correlating the entire system and workload behavior.
This ability is beyond the present-day AI-assisted APM and monitoring tools.
Appnomic’s patented, unique cognitive capabilities include predictive anomaly
detection, anomaly linked healing triggers and unified causation that navigates
the linkages between digital journeys, transactions, applications, and IT infrastructure
on the edge, public and private cloud. Their product HEAL eliminates several
thousand severe incidents as if they never happened – saving their customers
substantial time, energy, cost, and effort.
Appnomic is in a category of its own and works together with
existing monitoring and APM tools to create value. As businesses migrate from
the era of user-generated content to machine-generated content, they will need
sophisticated, autonomous methods to identify and correct problems in an autonomous
manner. This is where Appnomic’s product, HEAL comes in.
Being Influential is an Ongoing Process
To develop the ability of being an influential personality,
it is essential to have a unique, compelling, and distinctive positioning. This
positioning needs to be equally strong and consistent, internally, and
externally. This is called your personal brand – it is the art and science of
communicating this unique positioning i.e., helping people understand how you
can create value for them. Branding is more than just who you are and what you
do, it is about articulating how you can help solve complex problems. When
personal branding works, people reach out to you for the solutions of specific
issues you stand for. If you are not the first call on certain issues, then
your brand needs enhancement, amplification, or both.
Nitin asserts that your professional network is where you
communicate and amplify your brand. Building an effective network allows you to
“pull and push” your value proposition from and to it. A common misconception
is that a network is about extensive reach and the number of the people you
know, this is the biggest myth. A wide but weak network will not help much, it
is about the strength and individuals who care about your involvement in their professional
careers. You want well respected, credible, and sought after people in your
network who can put their individual networks to work for you as needed. This
is however a two-way street and you want to have individuals who you can help
and make a difference as well.
Influence is the New Power
For a leader to lead, they need to have followers. Corporate
leadership is not the only form of leadership e.g., you could be a leading
authority on a certain topic, and you will likely have followers who want to
listen to your insights on that or you might have access to certain skills or
abilities which people want to learn. Hence, having online, offline, or social
media followers is certainly one dimension of influence. “Modern day influence
hinges on three things: deep knowledge, a top-notch professional network and
your ability and willingness to share both for making an impact.”, Nitin adds.
There is always some subjectivity when we associate
influence with power and leaders have individual views on it. Nitin expresses
his views on this debatable topic in a few simple words, “If influence is the
ability to get things done, make change, create value, exchange value, develop
knowledge and apply it to make a change, then it is equivalent to having power
or being powerful. It might not fit many alternate definitions of power, but
there is a certain power of influence.”
Nitin Kumar has experienced the ups and downs in numerous
businesses and has successfully led many businesses to exponential scale, which
is why he has a myriad of learning experiences that empower him to be an
influential business leader. With the same passion and intellect, he has driven
Appnomic through a massive pivot that
redefines the power of technology to change the way IT operations delivers