Nancy Goldstein: Bringing Healthy Snacks to the Food Industry
The 10 Most Promising Businesswomen to Follow in 2022

Meet Nancy Goldstein, CEO of the
award-winning Gourmet Superfood Nutrition Bar specifically formulated to
enhance mental focus and provide sustained energy. BudiBar’s gluten free bars
offer certified vegan, certified kosher, no added sugar, nut free, high fiber,
and dairy free options for all dietary needs. A natural choice for consumers
looking for healthy grab-and-go food options that satisfy very specific dietary
needs and healthy living goals. She is passionate about the simple, natural,
and limited ingredients that make the bars both delicious and nutritious.
Setting the Stage
Over the course of Nancy’s career, she has
held roles as a dental assistant, a singer, a fitness instructor, a lighting
designer, a food company CEO, and a mother – the last four concurrently.
Her career as a lighting designer began
when a friend knocked on her door at Hobart & Wm Smith Colleges and asked
if she could help him backstage with a show he was directing. She fell in love
with light and how it could shape an audience’s perceptions. Four years
later, with everything she knew about theatrical lighting self-taught and a
slim portfolio, she applied to Boston University’s School of Theatre Arts
professional training program. On interview day, as she waited in the
Green Room for her turn, she was in awe of the competition surrounding her, all
students who had four years of undergraduate training under their belts and who
had brought multiple portfolios with slide carousels (remember those??).
Just being accepted to the program was one of the greatest achievements of her
career, and it certainly changed her life.
As you might imagine, she worked a lot of
long days and late nights. She and her colleagues ate a lot of very
unhealthy food. That’s why she was thrilled, as a fitness enthusiast, to
find BudiBar. Always running from project to project, with little time to eat
in between, finding fast healthy options was nearly impossible. It was
love at first bite when Nancy discovered BudiBar at a charity event, and she
soon became a subscription customer. There was a BudiBar in her briefcase
every day – until the original founder stopped producing them. Long story
short, she made it her mission to rescue BudiBar for herself, for everyone else
who loved them, and for future fans.
By the time Nancy bought the brand, the
bars had been out of production and off store shelves for nearly 6 months. She
started making phone calls to former retailers and was delighted by the
overwhelming response to BudiBar’s return. Within four months, the bars were
back on the shelves in Whole Foods North Atlantic.
Nancy will tell you that her greatest
achievement of all is raising two amazing daughters. Although as different as
night and day, both are incredibly talented, loving, smart, and fearless. She
couldn’t be prouder of them.
Roadblocks Along the Way
BudiBar quickly outgrew its inherited
co-packer. After moving production to a new facility, the new partnership
soured quickly and, within months, Nancy was looking for a new co-packer
again. She learned a lot about BudiBar’s production process and the
importance of improving it by partnering, finally, with the right co-packer.
Growth has been particularly difficult
since last March, when in-store tastings were halted due to the pandemic. Now,
shoppers are making “surgical strikes” into food stores and are not so much
browsing for new things to try. This has shown how critical BudiBar’s
brand ambassadorship program has been to the company’s success and how
important it will be when we come out on the other side of COVID-19.
The financial constraints of bootstrapping
a company, with the help of a few friends who believed in her vision, has
taught her to take advantage of every low-cost or free opportunity to introduce
BudiBar to new audiences.
Redirecting Lifestyles Towards a
Healthier Path
Nancy understands that the consumer’s
approach to food has changed drastically since she was a child. Sugary
treats were used as incentives for children to do anything from eating their
canned spinach (yuck) to brushing their teeth (really)! Now, people know
they can have food fast, cheap, or good – but can only pick two. BudiBar
is a contributor to the fast and good category!
Luckily, there is a terrific food
innovation and entrepreneurship hub in Boston, Branchfood, which was started by
a powerhouse innovator in her own right, Lauren Abda. The organization offer
invaluable programming for early stage and growth companies in the food and
beverage sector. She also finds the New Hope Network and Food + Tech Connect newsletters
very useful for an overview of current events in the industry as well as white
papers and videos that delve deeper into specific topics.
The BudiBar brand was born from the
founder’s dedication to an innovative solution that would redirect his own
lifestyle toward a healthier path. Nancy is committed to thinking out of the
box and is always open to pioneering ideas from within BudiBar headquarters, as
well as from the brand’s production and distribution partners.
Work-life integration as a CEO
Nancy noted that this may sound cliché but,
at first, her major role and responsibility was Chief Cook and Bottle
Washer. She did it all. Through the years, she has been able to
flesh out the team to include people she can rely upon to handle day-to-day financial,
marketing, sales, and logistics tasks. This frees up her time to focus on
problem solving, production innovation, and long-range planning. She’s learned
to balance when to work through the night and when to put work aside in favor
of friends and family time.
Roadmap for the Future
BudiBar offers superior quality in
comparison to others nutrition bars on the market. Her vision for the company
includes expanding e-commerce channels and achieving a national presence for
BudiBar in brick-and-mortar stores, from small independents to super-chains
that see the opportunity for growth in the natural foods sector. Goals for the
next few years include increasing sales volume in all channels of distribution
and the development of new flavors to supplement the five varieties now
available. As brand awareness and profitability increase, the company will
become more attractive for acquisition. The roadmap for the future may be long
and winding, especially during pandemic times and subsequent economic recovery.
Nancy trusts her instincts and believes in sweating the small stuff, while
keeping an eye on the distant horizon.