KEITH UTHE: A High-Performer Helping Homeowners Create a Financial Life by Design
The 5 Most Influential Business Leaders to Watch in 2022

a high-performer means being aware of one’s limiting beliefs and learning how
to prevent them from creating obstacles in achieving more.
As an Independent Mortgage Broker with
Enrich Mortgage Group, Keith Uthe considers his daily goal as creating future
wealth for those he speaks with. His objective in every conversation and interaction
with his clients is, ‘Everyone Is Living A Life Of Abundance – Stay Calm
and Mortgage On™.’
A Good Feel for Mortgage Financing
Having been attracted to financing for many
years, even prior to becoming a mortgage broker, Keith’s first hint that he had
a good feel for mortgages occurred while obtaining a mortgage for his and his
spouse’s own home.
The advisor at the bank was telling him that
their debt servicing was too high because they had a balance of about $6K on a
credit card and an available personal line of credit amount(PLOC). Their policy was to include a payment for the
full available PLOC amount.
However, if the credit card was at $0 then
that was a $0 payment. The advisor could not figure out a solution. Keith is the one who resolved the problem for
his and his spouse’s mortgage financing for their mortgage without any mortgage
training. The trained banker could not come
up with the solution to the debt service ratio number when Keith came up with
the solution: Pay off the small credit card with the personal line of
The advisor had to take a minute to think about
this suggestion before she said, “Well I guess that would work. Let me try.” So
she made the changes and bingo, bango, bongo, their debt servicing was what it
needed to be!
Not long after that Keith and his spouse
began investing in real estate, which furthered his interest in learning about
mortgages. About 10 years later, he changed jobs and began working as a Junior
Underwriter for a private lender.
When they went separate ways do to a poor
fit, Keith’s good friend/mentor/advisor, Richard Dolan, introduced him to the
brokerage owner of Enrich Mortgage Group, Richard Anderson to discuss becoming
a mortgage broker.
“Richard /A. and I got along immediately
and have built both a great friendship and business relationship,” says Keith.
“I push him and he pushes me to be better and aim higher. Both Richards challenge
me to push my boundaries, learn more about myself, and live my vision” and
bring my family along for the ride.
Learning About the Three Keepers
Keith believes that challenges, not problems,
only make you stronger if you’re open to learning from them and accepting your role
in the challenge.
“I have learned that most of the roadblocks
that have occurred in my professional journey come from my personal journey,”
he says. “My advisor, Richard D., taught me about the three keepers – 1. Fear,
2. Ego, and 3. Judgment.”
Keith explains that these three Keepers get
ingrained in us as children, based on what we see, hear, and learn from the
adults around us. For example –‘That’s too high – Be careful’/’That will never
work’/’If you try harder you might win next time’/’Do you think we are made of
money?’, or ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees!’
“By learning, understanding, and being
aware of where the Keepers pop up in my professional life, I have been able to
keep them from getting in the way of my life now, so that my possibilities of
achieving MORE are limitless,” he states.
Leading His Clients Towards a Life of Abundance
As a Mortgage Broker with Enrich Mortgage
Group, Keith’s daily objective is to fulfill his personal life purpose. ‘Everyone
is Living a Life of Abundance’. “Showing
people how their mortgage will be a part of causing and creating their future
wealth is the role I take seriously.”
Keith’s experience, training, and knowledge
as a Smith Manoeuvre™ Certified Mortgage Professional, Certified Financial Life
Professional, Real Estate Investor, and Certified Real Estate Investment
Adviser, is part of the value he offers his clients, that they are not able to
find from any other mortgage broker. Keith and his spouse even implemented the
Smith Manoeuvre themselves starting in 2005, long before the certification
program was created, leveraging their real estate investing to convert their personal
mortgage interest into a tax-deductible debt completely in only 2 years
“I represent the client to many different
lenders,” he explains. “All banks and lenders have different terms for their
mortgages and this is equally as important as the lending rate, when making
your borrowing decision.”
Keith explains that a home is likely the
single largest investment, and the mortgage is the single largest debt you will
likely ever have, so in addition to rate, ensuring it offers you flexibility
and freedom, at minimal cost for those unexpected life moments, is critical.
The high-interest rate differential mortgage
payout penalties that banks charge can crush a family financially when a change
is required. “Don’t let that be you. Make sure you are making a fully educated
decision,” he advises.
Keith lists his responsibilities as a mortgage
agent in terms of connecting, communicating, advising and evaluating clients
borrowing ability. His typical day involves talking to lenders, email
responding, training, file reviews, advising clients and networking.
Keith lists two ways to measure success.
The first way is when you achieve something that you set out to do for
yourself. The second is when you have a positive impact on other people’s lives
in a way that allows them to achieve more.
“For me I focus more on #2. When I am
living and fulfilling success through having a positive impact on others, I
know that I am also achieving more for myself by living through my vision of
‘Everyone Is Living a Life of Abundance’,” he explains.
What it Truly Means to be a High-Performer
Keith feels fortunate that the brokerage he
is part of – Enrich Mortgage Group – has over 120 mortgage agents across Canada,
so they constantly have an open sharing of information amongst the agents.
When an agent comes across a new technology
or lender that may create competition, they share it with each other. We can then discuss it and evaluate it to see
if it is something that could add value, or not or increase competition.
His brokerage has training sessions with
lenders, appraisers, and other service providers scheduled every Tuesday to Thursday
weekly. These sessions are so they can
be better at what they already do, make improvements to streamline processes,
and better understand lender policy changes or new products which increase
client borrowing opportunities.
“In 2021, I created the High-Performance
Lab for Mortgage Brokers to help them understand what it truly means to be a high-performer,
get a deeper understanding of self, want to achieve MORE, and build more trust
with clients through conversation,” says Keith.
He discovered that one’s own limiting
beliefs will come through in a conversation with clients without them even
realizing it. This, in turn, has an enormous impact on the trusted relationship
that the broker is trying to build with their clients.
Through an increased understanding of one’s
self, one’s values, beliefs, and the three Keepers, one begins to realize what
it takes to ask better questions, be in action, and build trust.
“How can anyone try to move the needle for
themselves in life from A to B if they do not know truly where A is for them?”
asks Keith. “This only comes from doing the work to better understand yourself
and where you are now, then stating where you want to be, and committing to the
small actions that will get you to B. Only then will they begin to see what it
is like to be in High-Performance, more often than not.”
Keith also believes that the largest
changes in the industry will come from Canadian government regulation. Mortgage
fraud and money laundering are huge government concerns and are likely to
hold-back full automation of mortgage processing in Canada.
“As much as there are some new aspects of
automation for mortgage processing, there will always be the need for someone
to do a review of the documents, and a need for services for clients that don’t
fit inside the perfect box that the Banks and A lenders are looking for” he
says. There are so many people that are
business for self in Canada, have investment properties, high net worth or
other non-typical income sources that need hands on mortgage broker solutions.
A Proud Dad and Basketball Coach
Having also been a referee for wheelchair
basketball since 2001, and for able-body basketball for 30 years, Keith’s proudest
moments have nothing to do with his business, and everything to do with his extracurricular
commitments. Being a referee is
rewarding in a way that most people would not understand. It challenges the brain and the body to think
differently, make quick decisions and get good exercise. I have also made great friends across Canada
and the U.S, because of it.
As a volunteer, coaching his daughter’s
junior high basketball team for two years was undeniably one of those great
memories. “In the first year they did
not win a single game, despite being close so many times,” he recalls. “The
following year they had a winning record, won their home tournament for the
first time in many years, and made the playoffs for the first time in many
years. Seeing their joy from learning, using, and executing what they had
learned into wins is an achievement like no other.”