Catherine Gras: An Epitome of Impactful Leadership
The 10 Most Impactful Leaders Driving Change in Business, 2022

Started her professional journey by working in the financial
sector, she was in an investment fund and was at the helm of her profession. At
the age of 30, she has been proposed to become a partner in the fund, a
successful path as most people would think. But this is the point of choices
that differentiate a leader and a normal employee. Being successful wasn’t her
goal as she was missing something that would be worth remembering for her whole
This was the time when Catherine Gras decided
to change sector, making a move that was perceived at the time as a step back
in her career. She says, “It was the opportunity for me to work in a
sector where what we do matters for the society as a whole, for the citizens.
And this is something that is driving me ever since.”
Six years ago, Catherine had the opportunity to take a CEO
position. Today she is the CEO at Storengy UK and Germany (Deutschland). She believes in making an impact. She feels success
is being able to do something that would not necessarily have taken place in
the same manner or the same timing if she had not been in this position. She
says, “This is very demanding but again what keeps me motivated, what
brings me energy, is the possibility to use this position to make a difference.
To develop new activities and change the way we look at our activities now, to
facilitate improvement and innovation.”
Storengy Deutschland is one of the largest natural gas
storage companies in Germany. It is a subsidiary of Storengy SAS, which bundles
the ENGIE group’s global gas storage activities. Storengy is the market leader
for storage services in Europe.
The company’s core business includes the planning,
construction, and operation of storage facilities and the marketing of gas
storage capacities. Storengy Deutschland GmbH operates six gas storage
facilities across Germany and markets their gas storage capacity. Storengy
Deutschland Betrieb GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Storengy Deutschland GmbH,
implements the technical operation of the gas storage facilities and also
provides services (operation and maintenance) for third-party facilities. A
central control room in Hanover ensures the remote operation of technical
The company’s headquarters are based in Berlin. As an
innovative partner for the zero-carbon transition, Storengy provides its
expertise to numerous partners worldwide to develop geothermal projects (heat
and power production and storage) as well as energy storage and power-to-X
Experiences Worth Share About
Sharing her challenging moments, Catherine recalls the time
when she was very close to burnout. She says, “This is a personal
experience, people in my position are often not willing to share that they have
been there, but it is good to recognize that this can happen to everyone in a
According to her, the second challenge was linked to the
financial crisis in 2008/2009. The crisis has transformed parts of the energy
industry by completely changing business models. The industry has seen old
models disappear and new models appear. At that time, Catherine changed
position and what seemed obvious to her, because she was new in the sector and
coming from another part of the business, was completely refused by her
colleagues. She states, “For them, it seemed impossible that their
activity would just disappear. It was a great lesson of sudden change and how
we can accept and transform it into something positive.”
Combining Experience and Expertise
Catherine has been working in this industry for 20 years.
She has worked on various projects that, at their time, used to be a good
alternative to more polluting assets, for instance working on gas power plants
to replace coal power plants in the early 2000s.
Over the years, Catherine kept a critical view on what the
company was doing at the time, trying to figure out how the future could
completely change the picture. She has endeavoured to learn as much as possible
from the different crises and changes of the sector to try to question
certainties. “In a sector that is investing over very long periods, this is
a challenge,” says Catherine.
The topics the company is pushing today are geothermal
energy, biomethane and hydrogen, they are clearly on the renewable side.
Catherine supports Storengy move towards renewable energy by providing a
multi-country vision. European countries have developed very different energy
systems and are looking at different models for the future as well, it is thus
interesting to be able to look across borders. Also, she brings a good mix of
strong economic culture and personal social and environmental aspirations to
the company.
Innovation to Minimize Mistakes and Curb Risks
At Storengy Deutschland, the team is working in a highly
regulated field as the company is always under the scrutiny of technical
administrations. She opines, “It is important to remember that we are
in a sector where a mistake can have very strong consequences, especially on
health and safety.” This is where innovation can be challenging.
The team is all trained to avoid mistakes and to repeat what is tested and
For Catherine, one significant enabler of innovation is
accepting to fail. Her role is creating the right conditions inside the
company to test new ideas, to promote a mindset where it is right to fail as
long as the team learns from it, and to communicate regularly on trying new
ideas, improving, changing the approach.
A Positive Approach in Pandemic
According to Catherine, there is no such thing
as a typical or regular day, as it is always a thin balance of very different
activities. Before the pandemic, like everyone else Catherine used to travel a
lot to meet stakeholders, colleagues from the parent company ENGIE. On one side
it was a huge investment in time and a huge carbon footprint but it was also
creating timeslots when she was partially or completely unreachable, timeslots
to focus on learning, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.
With the pandemic, Catherine has reduced traveling to nearly
zero. Staying at home has been a bit disturbing at times, but on the other
side, it has saved her a lot of time. She has more time to interact with
colleagues and allows time for unplanned personal exchanges. In her free time,
she learns new things, meets new people, thinks further to reflect on the
general context.
Adopt new Changes without Compromising Values
Catherine finds her motivation drivers are the alignment of
personal values and professional activity, curiosity, intellectual challenge.
She states that not everyone is motivated by the same things, but if there are
new things to learn or do that are also socially helpful then there are good
reasons to be motivated by a job.
While advising aspiring business leaders, especially women
leaders, she asserts, “Believe in you and your values and do not try to
change them completely to adapt to what the others may expect from you. This is
particularly true for female leaders. We are in a male-dominated type of
leadership, but we need to push for our way to lead and inspire.”
To Lead as an Expert of the Sector
For upcoming years, the management’s vision for Storengy
Deutschland is to be recognized for strong expertise in storing hydrogen and
developing geothermal projects, as much as the company is today recognized for
its expertise and commercial innovation in natural gas storage. Catherine
says, “So keeping to ourselves, to what makes us strong today but at
the same time being different from today.”
Quotes: “Recognition is often a series of
small things like a former employee who calls you many years later to ask for
help and shows you that what you did in the past was worth it and that what you
did lasts.”