Autumn | 2021
Beyond’s Top 10 Most Inspiring CEOs to Watch Out in 2021

Editor’s Corner

Leading the Generation with a New Definition of Success
Beyond Exclamation celebrates the wonderful journey of these leaders through a special dedicated edition of “Beyond’s Top 10 Most Inspiring CEOs to Watch Out in 2021”. On the cover of this issue, we have the exceptional journey of Maureen Farmer, Founder & CEO of Westgate Executive Branding & Career Consulting Inc; an international full-service boutique, specializing in personal branding and career consultancy. Before starting Westgate, Maureen worked in corporate for more than 25 years. For Maureen, the switch from corporate to consultancy was a huge risk. About a decade ago when Maureen started Westgate, the world of global consulting and collaboration was still in its infancy stage, and remote consulting was still an unheard form of consultancy. Other consultants were traveling to meet their clients face to face, while Maureen was using emails, phone calls, and Skype to communicate with them. Despite the business challenges she faced, Maureen was focused and determined to make her business work and she did. Maureen and Westgate will be celebrating 11 years in the consultancy business in 2022. In this exclusive article Maureen shares a few inspiring insights of her profession walk as a leader and as a person.
This edition also captures the journey of a few more inspiring CEOs who have changed the business world. Featuring the stories of Julie Camardo, CEO of Zweigle’s Inc; Yunha Kim, Founder & CEO of Simple Habit; Jonathan Abir, CEO of A.D Knight; Meredith Cochran, Founder & CEO of The Shareable Life; Dan Prince, Founder & CEO of illumisoft; Janez Sterle, Founder & CEO of INTERNET INSTITUTE Ltd; Pete Tseronis, Founder & CEO of Dots and Bridges LLC; Sibusiso Xaba, Co-founder & CEO of Africa Cannabis Advisory Group and James Russell, Co-founder & CEO of Brisk.
Let’s Get Inspired!
This edition also captures the journey of a few more inspiring CEOs who have changed the business world. Featuring the stories of Julie Camardo, CEO of Zweigle’s Inc; Yunha Kim, Founder & CEO of Simple Habit; Jonathan Abir, CEO of A.D Knight; Meredith Cochran, Founder & CEO of The Shareable Life; Dan Prince, Founder & CEO of illumisoft; Janez Sterle, Founder & CEO of INTERNET INSTITUTE Ltd; Pete Tseronis, Founder & CEO of Dots and Bridges LLC; Sibusiso Xaba, Co-founder & CEO of Africa Cannabis Advisory Group and James Russell, Co-founder & CEO of Brisk.
Let’s Get Inspired!