All you need to know about the Indian Forest Service

Amidst the ever-increasing wildlife destruction today, the
one service that immediately would come to rescue in the first place. If we
look at the All India Services list, it is one of the top three prestigious
services of the Government of India. The Indian Service was established in the
year 1966 under the All India Services Act, 1951 by the Government of India.
The primary mandate of this service is the implementation of the National
Forest Policy to ensure protection and sustainable management of the natural resources
and thereby maintain a stable national ecology.
Role of IFS
The members of the Indian Forest Service play a crucial role
in integrating the entire ecology under one roof and work for its conservation
and safe sustenance. They are responsible for managing the National Parks,
Tiger Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuaries, and other protected areas of India.
A Forest Service officer works independently without the involvement
of the district administration. He exercises the administrative, judicial as
well as financial powers within his domain. The positions in the state
department are also held by the Forest Service’s officers. These positions
include District/Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Conservator of Forests (CF),
Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF), Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
(PCCF), etc.
History of IFS
In 1864, the British Raj formed the Imperial Forest
Department. Later, the Imperial Forestry Service was known to be a subordinate
to the Imperial Forest Department in 1867. It was the time when five candidates
got selected for training in France and Germany. Subsequently, officers were
appointed from the period 1867 to 1885 except for a short interval due to the
then-ongoing war between France and Russia.
The officers were trained in Germany and France initially up
to 1885 and later at Cooper’s Hill, London, also known as the Royal Indian
Engineering College. Furthermore, the University of Oxford also joined in the
queue of training the officers of the Imperial Forestry Service. However, in
1920, the Government of India decided to provide formal training to the IFoS
probationers at a single center. It gave rise to the establishment of the
Forest Research Institute at Dehradun, starting the training session in 1926.
During colonial rule, the British Government in India had
set up the “Imperial Forest Service” in the year 1867. It functioned under the
Federal Government until the department of ‘Forestry’ was transferred to the
provincial list by the Indian Government under the Act of 1935. Subsequently,
the recruitment to the Imperial Forest Service was ceased. Thus, in 1938,
Indian Forest College was established and the superior forest service
probationers from various states were trained in the college. During this time,
large forest areas were brought under the control of the state through the
reservation process under the Indian Forest Act of 1927.
The management and control of the forest went into the grip
of the provincial government in 1935. Thereby, the forestry was further shifted
to the concurrent list in the year 1977, where the central government plays a
vital role in the management of forests through the execution of policies
The forest management of the country witnessed a prominent
shift in forest management, as the National Commission recommended on
agriculture. It was the time when people’s need for biomass, sustainable yield,
and social forestry activities were addressed on a large scale. Moreover, equal
importance was given to broader areas like habitat and livestock management.
Modern Scenario of IFS
After independence, the modern Indian Forest Service was set
up in the year 1966 under the All India Services Act of 1951. Hari Singh was
the first Inspector General of Forests of the modern Indian Forest Service and
contributed significantly to the upliftment of the service
The forest policy of India was designed in 1894 and was
revised in 1952 and subsequently in 1988. Presently, India acquires an area of
635,400 square kilometers as designated forest cover with over 2700 officers
serving in the 31 forest departments in the states as well as Union
territories. They are placed at various ministries and institutions of both the
center and the state.
At present, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change (MoEFCC) serves as the principal cadre controlling authority of the
Indian Forest Service.
We hope this article clears all your doubts regarding the
past and the present-day functioning of the Indian Forest Service. With this,
let’s pray that our country and its biodiversity stay intact forever.