Kate Bohn: Changing the Finance Industry with Passion
Top 10 Most Inspiring Women of Influence in 2021 Vol I

Existing is the greatest explainer of
viability. Kate Bohn is an active advocate, leader, and an ‘accidental’ role
model for women in Technology and Financial Services, as well as women more broadly
across inclusion, equality, and diversity.
Elaborating her different curriculum, she has
had pursued her academic pursuit in Arts and Academia before shifting her
spectrum into tech and financial services. She is a regular public speaker at
diversity events, with several sponsoring & mentoring activities across the
talent pipeline. She also holds multiple Industry awards, from as far back as
2006 for ‘Innovation of the Year’ for her co-founder role in a vendor-neutral
Financial Services utility managing equity Trade Ideas and alpha capture. She
has also been on the receiving end of personal accolades lingered to her wall
of fame: most notable in this area are her inclusion in the Innovate Finance
Fintech Powerlist (2018, 2019), being named ‘Top Ten Women in Fintech’ by
Fintech Futures (Dec 2019), being selected as a finalist in the Women in
Finance ‘Advocate of the Year (2019) and winner of ‘Woman in Technology’ at the
Banking Tech Awards (Dec 2020).
Sharing her pearls of wisdom, Kate spoke with
us about her journey into the Financial Services industry, her early life
aspirations, challenges as well as achievements, and more as an Accelerator
& Incubator Lead for Lloyds Banking Group.
Commencement of
professional hermit:
While growing up, Kate always wanted to become
a professional hermit and a beach bum since her parents moved house almost as
regularly as others might paint their front room, which meant multiple schools
across both north and south hemispheres of the globe. She believes that this is
the prime reason why she was drawn to the idea of hermit living, and with her
Australian heritage, the beach bum theme was almost inevitable! Her twin sister
was focused on International Banking at university, and as they both worked on
staking a claim on their personal individuality, she shifted her interest
towards the creative field. She then studied at Camberwell School of Art and
gained a role at the Victoria & Albert Museum, followed by a position as
Assistant Curator within a privately owned collection. She enjoyed that
industry enormously, yet after some years it became clear that without
financial support outside of any salary, it was not a space in which she could
remain for the longer term.
As often quoted from Michael Dell: ““Ideas are
commodity. Execution of them is not.” This is a driver for Kate. Good ideas,
bad ideas, mediocre ideas – they are all there to be bought and sold, and yet
it is in the execution of those ideas that their value comes alive and also
where the difficulty lies. This delivery and execution element underpins the
core of her current activities as the Accelerator & Incubator Lead for the
Group, being responsible for shaping and enabling engagement with external
Fintech capabilities: be that limited to specific activity in programs across
the ecosystem, direct engagement with individual capabilities, attending
policy-shaping industry forums, or collaborating, networking and advocating
more broadly for fintech and the FS community. She also gets to feed into the
Bank’s internal governance model in support of accelerated execution at each
stage of the agile delivery process.
There is a great skill in discovering how to
conceal one’s skill. Upon sharing the best qualities that she possesses which
have laddered her to what she is today, she believes that her soft skills have
been key to most of the locks she has had encountered in her entrepreneurship
journey. She further adds that they can be learned but are often more
authentically core to an individual’s personality and make-up. She always seeks
to build strong teams with high engagement levels in supportive and positive
environments wherein the obstacles are tackled with trust, transparency, and
appropriate levels of risk. Contemplating this, she states that her top three’
skills for any day are empathy, curiosity, and influence without authority. The
latter being a priority when building a career path that does not rely on a
corporate title or hierarchy positioning to create a persuasive case or
justification for action. She further adds that as for the other two: curiosity ensures that she retains a
‘beginners’ mindset to problem-solving and learning wherein she believes that
the more she is able to learn, the more she is becoming aware of how much MORE
there is to understand and be aware of; empathy assists her to put her ego to
one side while seeking strategic outcomes that are as inclusive and robust as
possible. She has discovered that these qualities are also the key to demonstrating
good stewardship towards her peers and colleagues, as well as building teams
that everyone wants to be a part of and can enjoy.
Perfectionist and Protagonist:
Leadership is a skill that is created via a
range of experiences. Kate mentions that as a lifelong perfectionist and
protagonist, with rampant periods of imposter syndrome, there are always new
mountains to climb or horizons to aim for. Having said that, she is often taken
by surprise by people’s attitudes in regard to what she has had achieved since
breaking her back as a pedestrian in a road traffic accident 30-years ago. She
could have given up on life. She could also have receded from any previously
held expectation or aspiration for her future. She could have allowed herself
to become the perpetual passenger’ that was immediately predicted by doctors.
She further claims that it has not been an easy journey and while she never had
any great aspiration to be a Leader or ‘squiggly career’ Role Model, she has
always focused on how things (anything!) could be made easier, be that from a
perspective of understanding, engagement, accessibility or execution. She
firmly believes that the accident has assisted her to cement this perspective,
just as the pandemic has made us all aware of constraints borne by society more
generally: to open doors without touching them; engage with people without
experiencing the usual abundance of non-verbal cues, or access school/work
environments while constrained by a physical distance. While she remains part
of a minority group in financial services, she is also representing half of the
global population and there is always be more she believes that she can achieve
in this area.
The greatest communication is paying value to
others. In her conclusive pearl of wisdom advising the young batch of
entrepreneurs who are willing to venture into the startup landscape, she quotes
that “Don’t be distracted by the technology.” Adding further, she states that
if one can keep a laser-like focus on the “problem to be solved” and have
confirmed it is a problem that your target audience is inclined to have solved,
you are well on the way towards being successful. As a fast follow-up to this,
she is willing to encourage everyone to “listen to understand rather than
reply”. While one can pick and choose from the advice of mentors, strangers, or
experienced professionals, allow the insights and experience of others to
augment your perspective and understanding, rather than pre-filtering their
input with your own preconceptions or paradigm. – she added.