Transformation of Culture over the Years

Transformation is an inevitable phenomenon. It’s all a matter of time. With time everything changes, rather transforms. And in the modern world, with easy access to information, the transformation is rapid. With time, the evils or backdrops of each and every aspect of society gets more evident and as a result, goes through a change. It’s the same with culture. A particular culture is infused with characteristics of other culture or cultures, giving rise to something debatably better. So let’s discuss the transformation of culture over the years.
Only about ten decades ago, the world was a different place, in terms of tolerance regarding differences. The resentfulness of a single man toward a different race had provoked the ugliest and most devastating war of all time. The world has been broken and rebuilt since. Now when we look back, we can only try to contemplate the agony of civilians and especially the minority at that time. And it was not long ago that the superior complex had come to an end in, rather has come down to much moderation. And all this was possible due to transformation of culture in the orthodoxy of mind of people as well as cultural leaders.
In the last decade, we have seen the first black president, size-16 models, the first woman poet laureate, the UK under recession, Bengali becoming one of the sweetest languages of the world and whatnot. This indicates only one thing that discrimination is fading and minds are opening. The world is getting rid of prejudice and conservativeness.
As beautiful as it is important, globalization has given new dimensions to the evolution of mankind. But how much is it important and why should we embrace it?
As we all should agree, right to certain aspects of society should be given to everyone. They include, right to education, to voting, to be able to choose their profession according to their capability and the right to speak and express. There should not be any sort of oppression over any particular race or country or individual. As then, the world would learn about and enjoy the beauty of different cultures present. Culture includes everything starting from language, religion, ideas, social customs etc. if we open our hearts to accept and respect the different cultures then we will be enriched with new ideas and arts. As a matter of fact, we will be a better world, celebrating the diversity.