Hydraulic Fracking and its Impact

Hydraulic Fracking and its Impact: This is a well-known fact that the Earth and its surface is considered to be one of the best breeding ground of natural resources such a coal, petroleum, natural gas and much more. Throughout the ages, human beings have meticulously conceived ideas which have facilitated the process of extraction of these natural resources, from the interior of the Earth. One such important resource is natural gas. Several methods have been adopted to enhance the process of extraction of natural gas, among which Hydraulic Fracking is an important one.
How does Hydraulic Fracking work?
Hydraulic Fracking is usually initiated in an already dug well. A particular area within the well is targeted which is usually deep down the depth of the well, and fractures are created at that targeted area with the help of water, chemical components, and other materials. The components which are applied in case of Hydraulic Fracking are chosen with extreme care so that the fractures are properly produced and enlarged in their sizes.
After the fractures are formed, the mixtures of water, as well as other components, flow back to the surface area due to the properties of rock formation, but this water can be polluted. This is why this particular fluid is properly treated before use.
What are the impacts of Hydraulic Fracking?
This is a fact that this process helps in the extraction of natural gases but one need to consider the adverse effects of the process as well. The following impacts produced by this process cannot be neglected:
- Human exposure:
According to resources, the human exposure to chemicals involved in the process is not considered to be good. This is because these chemicals are toxic in nature, which damage our health. There have been several incidents where the workers have been affected by these toxic chemicals by inhaling them, or by direct contact. Victims can suffer from several health disorders which can result in cancer.
- Water contamination:
Since the fluid is polluted in nature, it is obvious that simultaneously the groundwater also gets polluted. It is difficult to recycle this water to make it fit for use; apart from this, if this polluted water gets mixed into nearby water bodies, they also get polluted which disturbs the entire ecosystem.
- Air quality:
The quality of air degrades due to the increasing content of toxic chemicals in the air is a direct result of excessive drilling. Several sites have witnessed an excessive content of benzene in the air, which are extremely harmful.
Apart from these effects, one cannot deny the degradation of the soil. There are several positive aspects of this process as well but it is recommended that organizations implementing Hydraulic Fracking should embrace safety precautions to minimize the negative impacts of the process.