5 Natural Language Processing Methods

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an extension of
artificial intelligence that aids computers in understanding, interpreting, and
manipulating human language. NLP gathers knowledge from many disciplines like
computer science and computational linguistics, in its quest to breach the gap
between how human communicates and computer understanding.
5 Natural Language Processing Methods That Are Changing The World
According to James Le, a computer tech
expert, NLP is a field at the intersection of computer science, artificial
intelligence, and linguistics. According to him, the goal is for computers to
process or “understand” natural language to perform tasks like Language
Translation and Question Answering. With the help of NLP, we have quick
translation services like The Word Point
to optimize communication irrespective of our cultural background and society.
Machine Learning and artificial
intelligence are bringing such massive improvement to the world. Like the
“Golden fleece,” machine learning houses so many solutions to problems and,
most times, make living easy for everyone. In the case of NLP as a machine
learning tool, it helps to solve non-linear problems such as processing text
and words.
This is why a lot of software builders
use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to manage the challenges we face daily.
With the advancement and increase in artificial intelligence like voice
interfaces and chatbots, NLP is becoming the most important technologies of the
information age and the core of artificial intelligence.
Trying to understand a different language
from what we are used to can be quite difficult for us to talk more of fully
understanding, and representing the meaning of language is an extremely
difficult task because human language is unique and dynamic. There are
different benefits of NLP and its importance to our world, NLP helps in so many
ways like;
● Finding Synonyms like the online Thesaurus dictionary
● Checking right spellings and level of right English construction like
● Machine translation.
Here are 5 NLP methods that
are changing the world and are making life easy for us.
NLP helps in determining
the sentiment of an article, sentence, or comment using its sentiment
analysis model, which is one of the regular reasons why we use NLP. For a human
to determine the sentiment in a comment or an article can be quite difficult to
achieve, but with NLP it is achievable, with its sentiment analysis model it
can tell us if a comment has negative or positive differences.
As we use NLP in sentiment analysis, you
can get to know the real message passed by people, the type of message that
comes from within, and may not be seen in the text; this will help in knowing
what people think in reviews of products, surveys, and services offered.
Sentiment analysis also comes handy in knowing the pole of people’s opinions
based on their comments on social media posts, and even if you want a detailed
classification like; very positive, positive, neutral, negative, and very
negative, you can get it done.
Sentiment analysis is usually done using
supervised and unsupervised models. In the supervised model, we have Naive
Bayes, random forest, and gradient boosting that can be used while the
unsupervised model works with a corpus of words with their sentiment and
With the rate of industrialization and
world trade, new markets are rising around the world in different countries,
and the excuse “language barrier” will stop existing because translating
languages is becoming more significant with quality translation services.
Now, there is a lot of structured
database of words used in machine
learning training and text are now available in different languages,
creating a machine learning problem for translating words, articles and
documents is not a problem as we already have some. The moment you introduce
language translation services to your business, you expand
your market and increase your client base, you have given your business an
edge over your competition.
Talking to potential clients and business
partners that are not from your country and cannot communicate in the same
language as you will become easier using NLP translation models. The more
advanced models allow a more natural experience when reading or hearing the
translated text. It makes the client more comfortable and a sense of trust and security.
There is no over-emphasizing the fact
that every business needs a superb
customer care unit, around the clock customer support service, this should
be a top priority for every business where your customers can relate their
problem to you at any time and issues will be taken care of. Some times, the
issue may not be solved, but the fact that they were able to report a problem
with your business will relieve the situation a bit.
It is becoming difficult these days to
hire humans to do this job effectively because we have our limits to what we
can take and how much we can work for a period. Using NLP chatbots and virtual
assistants can be a substitute for people and a better option than FAQ. Get a
customized model of NLP
model chatbots for your business and virtual assistant to be more advanced
for a better experience.
NLP helps in summarizing a large pile of
text by using some set of techniques. This usually comes in handy in cases like
article editing and research articles. Summarizing write-ups and text can be a
huge task for a man to do, but with the help of the NLP model, you can get the
work done faster and easier.
Using NLP in text summarization entails
the program using the two big main approach, which is extraction and abstraction.
extract useful information from large documents, or it generates its
summary that sends the same message as the original text, just like an abstract
of the original text.
Extracting the entities in text and
articles is one of the most useful techniques in NLP. It highlights the
elementary concepts and references in the text or document. The ability to
identify people, locations, organizations, and dates, among others in the text,
is what the named entity recognition in NLC does.
This will make work easy for us,
especially for people in the market survey and editing sector. You get a more
reliable result using NLP.
Finally, the above-mentioned methods of NLP in our business and daily activities are making things easy for us, which is a positive change to the world. You can trust to get the right result as far as you are using it correctly.

Melissa Mauro
Melissa Mauro is an experienced writer who specializes in topics such as marketing, software development and architecture. She wants to create her own writer brand, that’s why Melissa is looking for fresh platforms for the implementation of her ideas. Creativity and unique style make it possible to deliver valuable and engaging content to her ideal reader.