Winter | 2022
The 10 Most Promising Business Leaders to Follow in 2022

Editor’s Corner

Promising Business Leaders: Inspiring a Wave of Revolution
The business world is experiencing a phenomenal transformation that is growing every day. This is because of the positive impact that business leaders have on the various industries and are trying their best to make a difference in the conventional practices of business. Most of them have succeeded, hence we have a more refined and reformed system in place that is a perfect blend of intellect and technology. Utilizing proper resources, making the right decisions, and keeping up with the fast-growing technologies have certainly proven to be effective methods of business.
Beyond Exclamation appreciates the journey of such high-spirited and passionate leaders and has dedicated this issue titled, “The 10 Most Promising Business Leaders to Follow in 2022”, to them. Featuring on the cover story of this issue is the journey of Romain Gerardin-Fresse, Founder of GFK Counseils – Juridis. A proactive leader and believer in being in the thick of action, Romain has earned for himself a formidable reputation in the field of business law. He is often named among the top five lawyers in the World and is considered a top legal strategist. Romain feels that talent is not needed to make a name for oneself in the field of law. Romain values hard work more than talent. He firmly believes that success cannot be achieved without it. Romain has helped several companies and public figures successfully navigate legal issues. And he attributes his success to hard work.
We have also put together a few more articles that capture the success stories of leading personalities of every industry. Inclusive are the journeys of Karen Seror, CMO of Gamestream; Michael Gurney, President & CEO of concept systems Inc; Sarah Amritt, Co-founder & Inventor of Omie View Bassinet Mirror; Jes Osrow, Founder of Josrow; Karen Hollenbach, Founding Director of Think Bespoke; Kate Fishel, CEO of Fauxcades; Julie Camardo, CEO and Founder of Zweigle’s Inc; Sharon Reynolds, President & CEO of DevMar Products and Pauline Ng, Founder and Managing Director of Porcelain.
Without further ado, let’s get inspired!